P la c e ano -
M anne rs ,
V ar. A.
D escription.
D escription.
brown: through the eyes a brownifh ftreak j and parallel to this,
above them, a whitilh one : the under parts are greenilh white :
quills and tail deep olive, edged with white : legs brown.
This bird is found in Carolina and Jamaica alternately j vifit-
ing the firft in fummer, and retiring to the laft in the winter
months. Buff on thinks Edwards and Catejby's birds tQ be different
fpecies j but they feem fcarcely to differ, except that the laft
is faid to have red legs, which Edwards calls brown. It is called
at Jamaica by the name of Whip-tom-kelly.
Le Gobe-mouche olive de Canada, Brif. orn. ii. p. 408. 26.
'J 'H I S in general has the plumage coloured as in the laft-
defcribed, but wants the pale ftreak over the eyes, and
has two pale bands acrofs the wings: the under parts yellowifh
white. v
It inhabits Canada. It does not feem materially to differ from
the laft.
Mufcicapa Martinica, Lin. SjJi. i. p. 325. 3.
Le Gobe-mouche hupe de la Martinique, Brif. orn. ii. p. 362* 3. pi. 36.
. f . z .— Buf. oif. iv. p. 540.— PI. enl. 568. f. 1. ■
gj I Z E of the firft fpecies, or a trifle bigger : length fix inches;
Bill brown, befet with hairs at the bafe : the feathers of the
head, and reft o f the upper parts, brown ■, thofe of the crown
long, and whitifh at their bafe, and when erefted into a creft,
appear mixed: the under parts are afh-coloured : quills brown,
with whitifh edges : tail brown : legs afh-colour.
Inhabits Martinico.
Le Gobe-mouche brun de la Caroline, Brif. orn. ii. p.367. 6. 53.
1 " noirâtre de la Caroline, Buf.oif.vt. p. 541. CAPPED^FL
Black-cap Flycatcher, Catejb. Car. i. pi* 53-—A r d . Zool.
C I Z E of a Nightingale : length fix inches and a quarter. D e s c r i p t io n
Bill black, briftly at the bafe: top of the head black:
the reft of the upper parts brown j the under of a yellowifh
white : quills brown : tail the fame, and a trifle forked : legs
The female has the top of the head not of fo deep a black. Femalb*
Thefe inhabit Carolina, where they breed j feed on flies and P l a c e .
infefts ; depart elfewhere in winter.
Mufcicapa CarolinenSs, Lin. Syft. i. p. 328. 18. _ f ÿ
Le Gobe-mouche brun de Virginie, Brif. orn. ii. p. 365. 5.
Le Moucherolle de Virginie, Buf. oif. iv. p. 562. '
Cat Bird, Catefi. Car. i. pi. 6 6 .— Arä. Zool.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
ALittle bigger than a L a rk : length eight inches, Bill black:
the upper parts of the body and wings of a deep browns the
under afh-coloured : crown of the head black: the under tail coverts
dirty red: the tail is even at the end, and blaokifh in
colour: the legs are brown.
This is found in Virginia in the fummer-feafon, where it builds
the neft : the eggs are blue. It frequents the fhrubs rather than
tall trees, and feeds on infefts-: its .cry refembles that of a Cat,
whence the name given it by Catejby.
One of thefe, which came from Kamtjcalha, now in the Le-
verian Mufeum, differed in not having the vent red.
D escrip t ion.
P l a c e .
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