D e s c r i p t io n .
D escription.
Le Moineau du Cap de Bonne Efperance, Brif. orn. iii- p. 104. 16. pi. 5.
f. 3.— PL enl. 230. f. 1.
Le CroiiTant, Buf. oif. iii. p. 501.
C I Z E of a Houfe Sparrow: length fix inches. Bill black :
the head, and neck before as far as the breaft, are alfo black:
at the eye begins a ftreak of white, which palfes down on each
fide of the neck, and, growing broader, palfes round the fore
part, like a crefcent; hind part of the neck pale brown: back,
fcapulars, and lelfer wing coverts, chefnut: the middle coverts
black, tipped with white; the greateft, and quills, brown, edged
with grey: tail deep brown: legs brown.
Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope.
Le beau Marquet, Buf. oif. iii. p. 497. pi. 30. f. 2.— Pl. enl. 203. f. 1.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
g I Z E of the Houfe Sparrow: length five inches. Bill red, a
very little bending : forehead, all round the bill, and throat,
red: breaft yellow: hind part of the head and neck dulky afh-
colour: back and wings green; tip of the quills dulky : breaft,
belly, and fides, crofted with irregular lines of white fpots: the
lower belly, thighs, and vent, white: rump and tail red, inclining
to chefnut ■, the laft a little rounded : legs flelh-colour.
Inhabits Africa.
Fringilla no&is, Lin. Syß. p. 320. 19.
Le Pere noir, Brif. orn. iii. p. 118. 23. pl. 7. f. 1 .—'Buf, oif. iii. p.
— Pl. enl. 201. f. I.
Yohualtototl, Rail Syn. p. 171.,
Lev. Muf.
I Z E of a Sparrow: length four inches and three quarters.
Bill black: irides red : the whole plumage is black, except
the chin, juft under the bill, which is of a rufous orange-colour,
and a fpot of the fame between the bill and eye: the legs
This inhabits Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, and other parts of
South America.
Le Pere noir a bee rouge, Brif. orn. iii. p. 120. 24.
Moineau du Brelil, Buf. oif. iii. p. 486.— Pl. enl. 291. f. 1. 2.
Short-tailed Indian Sparrow of Aidrov. Will. orn. p. 252. — Raii Sjn.
p. 87. II.
T H I S is rather lefs than a Sparrow : length four inches and
a half. The bill is flelh-colour: irides white: plumage
wholly blue black, with a polilhed fteel glofs: legs flelh-
The female has the feathers on the upper parts blackifh, margined
with yellowilh brown : behind the eye a blackilh ftreak :
the rump grey: beneath dulky yellowilh brown : tail black,
edged with grey : legs reddilh.
D escription,,
D escription.
M m a Moineau