- P R E F A C E .
In the former parts of this, Undertaking, a reference has been
made throughout to a work called American Zoology, which I beg
leave to advertife my readers is, in the prefent, changed to that of
ArUic Zoology ; both of them meant to refer to a work by Mr.
Pennant, which originally was defigned to have been confined to
the animals of North America : but he was induced to enlarge
his plan, by adding thofe of Kamtjcbatka and Northern AJia, in
order to comprehend the zoology of thofe countries, and make
the volume fupplemental, in that part of Natural Hiftory, to the
Northern Voyage of the celebrated Captain Cook. The title of
ArUic he feems therefore to think better adapted to the contents
of the book *.
In refpect to ourfelves, we have nothing more here to add,-
except the repetition of our acknowledgments for the afiiftance
which our friends have afforded us in this Undertaking ; and to.
wifh fincerely that it may, in any degree, afford amufement to.
the reader, or add to his inftrudtion.
Dec. i, 1783. JO H N L A T H A M .
* This work, in one volume 4to, will appear about the time of the publication
of the Voyage, and fome copies on the fame fixed paper as the Voyage*,
the reft fuitablc to Mr. Pennant's other 4J0 works.
I Q B I R D S .
B I R D s,
Order III. P A S S E R I N E .
G e n u s XX X. S T A R E .
N° 1. Common St. N° 5. Collared St.
Var. A. White St. 6. Wattled St.
Var. B. Pied St. 7 - Cockfcomb St.
Var. C. Grey St. 8. Silk St.
2. Cape St. 9- Green St.
Var. A. ContraSt. 10. Brown St.
3. LouifianeSt. h . Ceylonefe St.
Var. A. CrefcentSt. 12. Brown-headed St.
4. Magellanic St. *3- Mexican St.
I L L lirait, depreffed.
Noftrils guarded above by a prominent rim.
Tongue hard and cloven.
The middle toe united to the out mod as far as the fir ft joint.