124 G R O S B E A K .
20. POVPaEr . GBR. . Le Cardinal Dominicain, Brtf. orn. iii. p. 116. N° 22. pi. 6. f. 4.
PI. enU 55. f. 2.
Le Paroare, Buf. oif. iii. p. £00. pi. 31.
Tije Guacu Paroara, Rati Syn. p. 89, N° 9. — Will. orn. p. 256.
Pi. 41.45.
Pope Grofbeak, Artt. Zool.
Description. C I Z E of the laft : length fix inches and three quarters. Bill
as the laft : the head, as far as the crown, the cheeks, and
throat, are of a fine red colour, ending in a point on the fore part
of the neck : the hind part of the head and neck, and all the under
parts, from the breaft, are white; but down the middle of the
neck behind is a ftripe of black: back, fcapulars, and rump, cinereous
; but fome of the feathers of the firft have.black marFemale.
gins : wing coverts black ; acrofs the larger a ftripe of white ;
quills black, edged with white, and fome of the fecondaries
tipped with white: tail as the wings, and a trifle forked : legs
and claws grey brown.
The female has the fore part of the head yellow orange, dotted
with red : in other things.like the male.
Place. .Inhabits B r a jil, and fome parts of N o r th America, and appears
to be a variety of the others.
SIBIRIA21N. GR. Loxia Sibirica, Pall. Tr. vol. ii. p. 711. N° 24.
Description* C I Z E of a Linnet, but fuller of feathers. Bill a trifle longer
than in the Bulfinch; round the bafe of it the feathers of a
deep putple : head and back in fome birds of a deep vermilion ;
in others rofe-colour, marked with brown as in the Linnet : the
under parts paler, and not fpotted : the feathers about the head
' 6 have
have the tips of a polifhed white, appearing very vivid in fome
lights : bafe of the wings white; coverts the fame, with black
tips, forming a double oblique bar on the wings: quills edged
with white: tail longer than the body; nearly even; the outer
feathers white; the others black, with pale margins.
The female and young birds are the colour of a Linnet, with a
tinge of red on the belly and rump.
This is a mod beautiful fpecies, and inhabits the bufhy Ihrubs
about the rivers and torrents of the fouthern mountains of S i-
lir ia , and particularly about the L a k e B a ik a l : fond of the feeds
of the blueifh and other Mugworts * : is a reftlefs bird, and in
winter unites into fmall flocks, and keeps in the warmer fitua-
tions among the fhrubs.
Yellow-bellied Groibeak, Arft. Zcol.
IL L yellow : head red: nape olive brown : hind part of the
neck, and under parts, of a fine red : belly yellow : the
wings, the lower part of the back, and tail, olive, except the two
middle feathers of the laft, which are red.
Inhabits Virginia f .
Loxia Criftata, Lin. Syji. i. p. 301, N° 9.
g I Z E large *. general colour whitifti : the forehead crefted :
the creft, breaft, and rump, red : the tail cinereous.$ the two
middle feathers twice as long as the reft : the legs red.
The creft and breaft in the female are white.
Inhabits Ethiopia.
* Arlemijia carulefcens, integrifolia, &cv f Mr. Pennant. Loxia
Place ans