F i M ALE.
P la ce and
M a nne r s ,
D escription,
black; the fecondaries have the outer border white, and the
primaries grey margins: the belly and vent are afh-.coloured:
the tail is a little forked, marked as the quills : kgs brown.
The female is moftly of a greenifh brown colour, with here
and there a reddifh or yellowilh tinge, but chiefly at the top of
the head.
This fpecies frequents the moft northern parts of this kingdom,
being only met with in Scotland, and efpecially the Highlands,
where it breeds, and inhabits the pine-forefts, feeding on the feeds,
like the Cro/s-bill. It is alfo found in all the pine-forefts of
Sibiria, Lapland, and the northern parts of RuJJia | common
about St. Peterjburgh in autumn, and is caught in great plenty
at that time for the ufe of the table, returning north in fpring *.
They are likewife common to the northern parts of America-,
appear at Hudjon's Bay in May, to which place they are faid to
come from the fouth, and are obferved to feed on the buds of
willow. Thefouthern fettlements are inhabited by them throughout
the year, but the northern only in the fummer feafon. Our
laft voyagers met with this bird in Norton Sound; it was alfo
found at Aoonalajhka j-.
Loxia rubicilla, N. C. Petr. vol. xix. p. 463. N° 1. pi. 12. Au£l. A. J .
T E N G T H eight inches. The upper mandible brown, the
under whitifh: eyes brown : the upper part of the head and
body, the fore part of the neck and bread, deep crimfon, marked
with triangular fpots of white : . belly and vent pale rofe-colour,
* Mr. Pennant f hllij’s Narr. vol. ii. p. 15.
6 undulated
undulated with whitifh : under tail coverts rofe-coloured brown :
thighs hoary: bafe of all the feathers deep afh-colour, giving an
undulated appearance throughout: prime coverts and quills
brown, edged with rofe-colour: tail three inches and a half
long, even, of a gloffy black, the outer feathers margined with
whitifh, the reft with rofe-colour: legs and claws black: the
wings are an inch Ihorter than the tail.
The female differs very little, except in having the colours
more dull.
This fpecies inhabits the coldeft parts of the Caucajian moun- Place.
tains, efpecially the gravelly hollows j and lives on the Jea buckthorn
* berries, which grow there plentifully, and is the means
of propagating it, the feeds palling through them : often fly in
vaft flocks j the note not unlike that of a Bulfinch.
Loxia Capenfis, Lin. SjJl. i. p. 306. N° 39. _ PAPE GR
Le Pinçon du Cap db Bonne Efperance, Brif. orn, ill. 171. N° 45* P‘ * 16* y *
■ f. 1.
Le Pinfon noir & jaune, Buf.oif. iv. p. 142.
Le Gros-bec de Coromandel, Bu/% oif iii. p. 4.56.—-PI. enl. ioi. f» 1.
Loxia atra, Uropygio flavo, N. C. Petr. xi. 438* m ^ 9*
Br» Mu/. Lev. Muf.
g I Z E of a Chaffinch : length almoft fix inches and a quarter. Descmetion.
Bill very ftout, and of a dufky colour : the head, neck, upper
part of the back, and under parts of the body and tail, are of a
deep black : the feathers of the head Ihort, like plufh or velvet :
the fhoulders of the wings, and lower part of the back and rump,
of a fine deep yellow -, the reft of the wing reddifh brown, edged
Hippopha rhamnoides. Lin»
m m
Jm A
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