Loxia Maia, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 301.. N° 11.— OJb» voy. ii. p, 328.
Le Maia de la Chine, BriJ\ orn. iii. p. 212. N° 65. pl. 9. f. 2.— P/. enL
pi. 109. f. 1.
Le Maian, Buf. oif. iv. p. 107. pl. 3. (Weft figure.)
Malacca Grolbeak, Ednu. pl, 306. f. 1,
Le<ü. Mttf, L ENGTH four inches. Bill grey brown, paleft beneath:
head and neck dirty white : upper parts of the body, wings,
and tail, chefnut brown : bread pale brown : belly and vent
blackifh : the fécond and fourth quills white : legs grey.
Inhabits Malacca and China. Buffon's fpecimen had the bread
as well as the belly black, and the bill lead-colour.
Loxia fanguirofiris, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 303. N„ M j iv-
— OJb.» *voy. ii. p. 329. r ™
Brafilian Sparrow, Edtv. 271. f. 2.
Lev. Mu}.
g I Z E of a Silkin. Bill thick, bare far back at the bafe,.and:
of a deep blood red : forehead above the eye, and round to
the chin, black: reft of the head, neck, back, and wings, grey,
brown: bread, belly, and bend of the wing, yellowilh white :.
quills and tail.brown legs pale red.
Inhabits Africa and Afia.
The middle of the feathers were black! (h i n Edwards's bird
and the eye-lids red! ’
THE general colour of this bird is green; but the wino- cc
verts on the Ihoulders. are blue:.the quills and tail blacl
With greemih margins.
Inhabits Surinam,
68. WHITE-
D escription.
D escription.
D escription.