Ampelis Maynana, Lin. Syji. i. p. 298. 5.
Cotinga des Maynas, Brtf. orn. ii. p. 34* • 2.— PI. enl. 229.
Le Cotinga a Plumes Soyeiifes, Buf. oif. iv. p. 447.
Lev. Muf. '
r p H E length feven inches- and a quarter. Bill brown: the
■ *" feathers.of the head and hind part of the neck are long and
narrow, and of a fine blue; the bafe of them brown : -the chin and
throat deep purple: the back and rump, fore part of the neck,
and from thence to the vent,-of the fame blue as the head; but
the feathers are white at the bafe, and blue only at the tips, the
intermediate part being of a violet purple; fo that, except the
feathers lie exaftly over each other, this laft colour feems mixed
with the blue: the thighs are brown: the quills and tail are
blackilh brown; the outer margins and ends blue; but the outer
ones only brown: the legs are black. The feathers of this bird
have the-appearance of filky hairs, ferving to diftinguilh it from
the others ; and the blue in fome lights appears green.
This beautiful, fpecies inhabits the province of Maynas, in
South America.
H Ampelis Pompadora, Lin. Syjl.i. p. 29-8. 2.
4-POMPADOUR Le Cotinga Pourpre, Brif. orn. ii. p. 347- 5- PL 35- f- >•“ 'FL enL 2?9-
CH. Le Pacapac, ou Pompadour, Buf. oif. iv. p. 448.
The Pompadour, Edvj. pi. 341 •
Lev. Muf.
Description. I E N G T H feven inches and a half. Bill brown : the plumage
-L/ in general is of a fine gloffy purple : the lefier wing coverts
the fame; but the greater ones are narrow, long, and hollowed
beneath, the upper furface appearing ridged, and the tips bare of
webs ;
webs; fome of thefe are two inches in length, and hang in an elegant
manner over the quills; the fliafts of them are white : the
quills are all white, except juft the tips of fome of the greater
ones, which are brown: the legs are black.
Le Cotinga gris-pourpre, Brif. orn. ii. p. 349. 6. pi. 55, f. z.— Buf. oif. iv.
p. 450.
Lev. Muf.
rJPH IS is rather fmaller, and variegated with brown along with
the purple: the under tail coverts rofe-colour, and the tail it-
felf brown.
This is mod certainly a young bird, not in full plumage.
I have alfo feen one wholly grey brown, in a colleftion fent from
Cayenne, which moft likely was a female. Buffon mentions one of
this fort wholly grey.
This fpecies frequents Cayenne and Guiana; at the laft place it
appears about the inhabited parts twice in a year, in March and
September, and Ihifts its quarters to other parts in the intermediate
feafons; it feeds on fruits, and moftly frequents the borders
of rivers, making the nefi on the higheft branches of trees ; but is
never met with in the woods. The natives of Guiana call it
Ampelis carnifex, Lin. Syf. i. p. 298. 3.
Le Cotinga rouge, Brif.. orn. ii. p. 351. 7.— PI. enl. 378.
■ ..... ........... . ou L ’Ouette, Buf. oif. iv. p. 452.
Red Bird from Surinam, Edvi. pi. 39.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
CJ !Z E of the Grofbeak : length feven inches. Bill duH red: the
feathers of the head are long, and may be erefted into a creffi
Vou II. ' O at
V a s . A.
D e s c r i p t i o n ,
Place and
+- RED CH.