ï ja F I N C H .
2. 4- TREE F.
D escription.
F emale.
Place ans
Fringilla montana, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 324. 37.«—Fc««. Suec. 243.— Scop, ann. i.
N° 221.— Bruit. N° 267. —-Mullerj N° 264.— 0 //i*. uc. pi. in p. 48.—
Kram. el. p. 370. II .— Frifcb. pi. I.
Le Moineau de Montagne, Brif. orn. iii. p. 79. 2.
Le Friquet, Buf. oif. iii. p. 489. pi. 29. f. 2.— PL tul» 267. f. I.
Pafler montanus, Rati Syn. p. 87. 15.
Mountain Sparrow, Will, orn. p. 252. pi. 45. — Albin. iii. pi. 66. — Edit*.
pi. 269. (male and female.)
Tree Sparrow, Br. Zool. i. N° 128. pi. 52.— Ar3. Zool.
Br. Mu/. Lev. Mu/.
g O M E W H A T lefs than our Houfe Sparrow : length five
inches and a half. Bill black: irides greyilh hazel: the
head, and nape, chefnut: the chin black: on each fide of the
head, behind the eye, a fpot of the fame : .the upper parts of the
body rufous brown fpotted with black, inclining to greenilh towards
the rump : fides of the neck, the bread, and under parts,
dulky white : wing coverts rufous, edged with black, and crofied
with two bars of white : the greater coverts black, with ferruginous
edges : quills blackifh, with rufous edges: tail even at the
end; colour rufous brown : legs pale yellow.
The female is duller in colour, and wants the black on the
ears and throat.
This fpecies is found in England, and is in tolerable plenty in
Lancajbire, Lincolnfhire, and' Yorkjbtre, but not further to the
north of England, or Scotland. It is obferved always to build on
trees, and not in buildings like the Houfe Sparrow.
It is much more common on many parts of the Continent than
in England■, Italy, France, Germany, RuJ/ia, and the eaftern part of
Sibiria. In the laft, much more plentiful than the Houfe Sparrow>
and in many parts even where the laft is not feen.
F I N C H . *53
Dr. Forfier * mentions a bird of this kind, in Canada, fix inches
and a half in length, which has no black under the throat and
eyes, and no white collar: the bill and legs black. This arrives
at our fettlements at Severn in May, and goes further north to
breed, and returns in autumn.
Le Friquet huppé, Buf. .if. ift. P- 49®' 3’ .
Moineau de Cayenne, PI. enl. 181. f. I. z , BLACK-FACED
Black-faced Finch, ArB. Z..U
r p H IS is as big as a Sparrow, and fix inches and a half in Discriptio*.
length. The bill is red : the upper parts of the plumage,,
wings, and tail, reddifh brown : the under parts, and rump, crim-
fon : the top of the head is crefted, and of the fame colour : fides
of the head, under the creft, black : legs brown.
The fécond figure, or the female,, has the top of the head, Femaai .
round the eyes, and chin, black : neck, as far as the breaft,
crimfon : the rump is alfo crimfon : the upper parts of the body,
wings, and tail, as in the other, but pale : the quills black : on,
the breaft a bar of black : the reft of the under parts white, mixed
with a little black at the thighs : legs brown.
Thefe inhabit Cayenne, and are alfo met with in Carolina.. Flaci,
* Phil, Tran/, vol. lxii. P- 4°Smi
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y y i i ■ liiii Fringilla