Place and
V ar. A.
the back, and rump, of a pale gilded yellow, with a tinge of
green in feme lights : the upper parts of the back, fcapulars,
and upper tail coverts, green : beneath, the throat is blue
grey : the reft of the under parts confufedly mixed with pale
gilded yellow, rufous, and blue grey, each appearing in different
lights : the quills and tail are brown, edged with gilded green :
legs duiky.
The female has the crown rufous, as in the male : the upper
parts of the plumage plain green : the under of a dull yellow,
mixed with a tinge of green.
In fome fpecimens, the rufous part on the head extends farther
down than in others ; and in fome birds this colour is alfo feen
on the breaft and belly, and again on the upper parts of the
body, and the green colour now and then changing into blue.
This fpecies is pretty well known at Cayenne, where the people
call it, Le Dauphinois. It frequents the open places, and now
and then approaches habitations : it feeds on fruits, and, among
others, is peculiarly fond of bananas and guavas ; it falls alfo
on the rice-fields, and deftroys great quantities of this grain :
though there muft be numbers to do this, yet they can fcarce
be faid to be in flocks, as they always keep two and two together,
being only guided to one place by the common attraction
of the food they are fond of.
I do not find that it has any other note than a lhort and Ihrill
Le Pafle-vert à tête bleue. Bnf. oif. iv. p. 275.
* I VH IS is very like the laft, but the head is of a fine bright
blue colour : the back is greenifti yellow 3 fore part of the
neck, the breaft, and belly, of a gilded yellow : the wings and
tail plain green.
N R. *33
Tanagra gyrola, Lin. SjJi. i. p. 313. N° 7.
Le Tangara verd de Perou, Brif. o n . iii. p. 23. N° 13. pi. 4. f. 1;
•----------"— de Perou, PI. enl. 133. f. 2.
Le Rouyerdin, Buf. oif. iv. p. 286.
Fringilla viridis, capite fpadiceo, &c. N . Com. Petr. vol. xiv. p. 432. 4.
. pi. 15. f. 4, var.
Red-headed Greenfinch, Edw. pi. 23.
Br. U u f Lev. Muf
g l Z E of a Linnet: length four inches three quarters. Bill
horn-colour: general colour lhining green : the whole head
rufous : breaft pale blue: on the upper part of the wing a lpot
of yellow : quills and tail brown, edged with green, and the
two middle feathers of the laft wholly green : legs pale brown.
Inhabits various parts of South America, Cayenne, Guiana, &c.
It is met with twice, or three times in a year at this laft place,
frequenting large trees, which grow in the forefts in great numbers,
to eat the fruit thereof; difappearing as often as fuch
fruits begin to fail them : they are feldom met with near the
inhabited places.
That deferibed in the Peterjb. Lranf. had the thighs of a pale
The head of that figured by Edwards was of a dull fcarlet,
and the neck furrounded by a yellow ring, the breaft blue, and
the reft of the body green : differences not fufficient to form two
Place and
Vol. II. H h Le