F L Y C A T C H E R.
F l a c k .
flatted at the bafe, three quarters of an inch long, and black,
befet at the bafe with briftles: irides .yellow: eyelids blue: the
head is crefted: that, the neck, and back, are of a greenifh black,
and the back mixed with white: the bread: and under parts are
alfo white: wings black ; the middle part of them all the way
lengthwife white : the two middle tail feathers are four inches
and a quarter longer than the others, and white their whole
length, except at the tip, where there is- a-fpot of black; the
lhaft is alfo black; the others are white within, and black
outwards, and when clofed appear wholly black : legs black.
Found at Madagafcarx where it is faid to be called Schet,
V a r . A .
Mufcicapa mutata* L in . Syfi. i. p. 325* 2.
Le Gobe-mouche a longue queue de Madagafcar, B r if. orn. ii. p. 424. 34.
pL 40. f. 1.—Pi. enl. 248. f. l.
Schet-all, B u f. otf. iv. p. 568.
DESCRIPTION* C I Z E of the lad:: length eight inches and a half. Bill
^ black: irid'es yellow: eyelids blue: head crefted, black:
the reft o f the body, and tail, bright cinnamon-colour; round
the knees mixed with white : the wings are black, with the
middle o f them longitudinally white, as the other.
Pl a c e * Inhabits Madagafcar.
V a r . B.
Mufcicapa mutata, L in .S y J l.x . p-. 3 2 5- 2‘ ■ _
t e Gobe-mouche a longue queue blanche de Madagafcar, B r if. orn.. ii. p.
427. 35. pi. 4°- 2-
Schet vouloulou, B u f. o if. iv . p. j6g.
D e s c r i p t io n .
O I Z E of the others. The head of a greenifh black, and
gloffy; the top crefted : irides yellow: eyelids blue: the
reft of the body of a fine chefnut: wings black, with the fame
long patch of white down the middle as in the others : the
F L Y C A T C H E R . 349
two middle long feathers are white, bordered with black for
half the length; the lhaft is aifo black ; the four next on each
fide chefnutj and the outer feather black, except on the inner
web, which is white for nearly the whole length.
Inhabits Madagafcar, where it is called Schet-vouloulou. Place.
I have, according to the fentiments of Linn aits, divided the
feven laft-defcribed birds into two fpecies, although I am not
quite clear as to the propriety of it, as I fear they will, on our
better acquaintance with them, prove mere varieties, or fexual
differences; however, the three laft-mentioned differ from the
others, as far as defcription goes, in having the two long tail
feathers much longer in proportion ; and in all of them the middle
of the wing is white, and the eyelids blue ; whereas no fuch
characteriftics are found in the four firft-defcribed.
• Mufcicapa ftriata, Striped Fly-catcher, Phil. Tran/, vol. Ixiv. p. 406._ 4<>-
M iller’s P lates, N ° i S. A . B. STRIPED FL,
g I Z E of the Black-cap Titmoufe : length five inches. Bill D e s c r i p t i o n .
black ; bafe of the under mandible yellowifh : crown black;
hind head black and white : cheeks white : throat yellowifh white,
fpotted with brown : bread: whitifh : fides fpotted with black :
belly'white: back greenifh afh-colour, ftrtped with black : rump
inclining to afh-colour, and fpotted with black: on the wing
coverts two bars ; the upper one yellowifh white, the lower
white : tail brown; the outer feather has a fpot of white on the
inner web; the fecond the fame, but fmaller; the third only
margined with white within : legs yellow : claws pale brown.
The female has the head of a greenifh yellow, ftreaked with
flender lines of black : over the eyes a yellow line: eyelids yellow