vent: the tail is longer than the body, and cuneiform in lhape ;
the two middle feathers black ; the others white : the legs
This inhabits the fouthern ifle o f New Zealand. Dr. Forfter P la ce and
informs me, that it is an exceeding familiar fpecies; is conftantly M a n n e r s ..
hunting after infedts 5 and. flies always with its tail fpread in
fhape of a fan : is eafily tamed, and will then fit on any per-
fon’s fhoulder and pick the flies off. It has a chirping kind
of note,, not to be called a fong., It is called by the natives
This is fubjedl to variety. One met with in the ifland of V a r i e t i e s .
Tanna,. was. darker in colour : the two middle tail feathers of a
footy black, with white fhafts, the inner margins and tips
whi t i fhthe others have the inner webs deep black, the fhafts
paler black, and the outer webs almoft wholly grey.
I find alfo a fecond variety in the collection of Sir Jofepb' Banks,.
which had only the outer tail feathers white; the others white,.
with the margins dufky. This fpecimen was full feven inches in.
length, and.came,from Dufiy Bay.
3 4*.
• PL..
L E N G T I I four inches and a half. Bill black : upper parts D e s c r i p t io n . .
of the body cinereous: before the eye hlack, palling over it
in a {lender line:, under parts of the body pale reddifh white :,
tail cuneiform; the two middle feathers black; the next white,
at-.the tip the others, all.white: legs brown,
Erom whence unknown.