BriJJvn's bird is ftreaked with black beneath, which I do not
fee in the PL e n l . and in this.laft figure there is a line of black
through the eyes.
This fpecies frequents the warmer parts of Europe, and is found
chiefly in the mountainous parts *, where it isfolitary : it is pretty
common, and deiervedl.y has gained the name of Foolijh Sparrow,
from its being fa foolifhly tame as to be caught by any fnare ;
and its note is trifling, not better than our Yellow B, and not
unlike it, pronouncing the words zi, zi, or zip, zip j\ It is met
with on the rocky mountains, in the fouth of Siberia, from the
river Jeneife to the lake Baikal, but neither in Raffia nor the weft
o f Sihiria J.
Emberiza quclea, Lin. Syjt, i. p. 3TÔ. 8.
Le Moineau à bec rouge de Senegal, Brif. orn. iii. p, 110,19. pi. 6. f. I.*
Buf. oif. iv. p. 4.85.— PI. enl. 183. f. 2.
Lev. Muf.
ters. The bill ftout and thick, like that of the Grojbeak
genus, but the formation is truly that of the Bunting; the colour
of it red : the forehead, throat, aind cheeks, are black : the
reft of the head and upper parts rufous grey : the middle of the
feathers on the back and upper parts dulky : the under parts pale
rufous, and plain, inclining to white on the breaft and belly:
quills and tail: blackilh, with cinereous margins: legs Hefti-coloured.
* Kramer fays, in the fields, low fhrubs, and borders of woods,
f It is called Cia felvatica, or Cia montanina, by the Genoe/e.— Willughlj.
t Mr. Pennant.
9 The
B U N I N G.
The female * wants the black about the head, otherwife like
the male.
Inhabits Africa. That figured in the PI. enl. has the fore part
of the neck red.
w m i mm
Moineau du Senegal, Buf. oif. iv. p. 484.— PI. enl. 223. f. 1.
t jp H I S has the head, neck, and under parts red, inclining to
rufous : the upper parts brown and dulky mixed, like our
Houfe Sparrow : the forehead, between the bill and eye, and
round the throat, black: the bill is red : the legs brown.
This inhabits Senegal, and appears to be the laft fpecies in full
plumage, if not of a different fex.
g I Z E of a Houfe Sparrow. Bill horn-colour: the plumage
above reddilh brown; the middle of the feathers darkeft:
over each eye, and down the middle of the crown, a ftreak of
yellow : fides of the head mottled yellow and black: rump and
under parts yellow: down the middle of the breaft a black
ftreak, broad, and a little divaricated on the fides: tail dulky:
legs pale.
In winter the yellow colour difappears, and the bird is wholly
of a brownilh colour, like a Sparrow.
In the polfeffion of the Dutchejs Dowager of Portland; and I
have likewife heard of it in another colleftion. This bird, like
the Weaver Oriole, vol. i. p.,435, had the difpofition to interweave
-filk between the wires of its cage.
* This appears to be Le Moineau a ,bec rouge du Cap de Bonne Efperance,
Brif ora. iii. p. 108. pi. 5. f. 4.
Vol. II. C c It
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