D escription»
P lace.
Lojtfa aftrild, Lin, Syß. i. p. 303. N° 21.
Le Senegali raye, Brif. orn, iii. p. 210. N° 64. pi. 10. f, 5.-—Buf. oif, ivw
p. 101. pi. 2.,f. 2.—PI. enl. 157. f. 2»
Waxbill, Edw. pi. 179. 354.
Br. Lev* Muß
T HIS Is lcarce bigger than a Wren : length four inches and
a third.. The bill is fomewliat gibbous at the bafe, and of a
deep red colour: a ftreak of red paffes through the eyej and the.
middle of the breaft and belly of the fame colour: the upper
parts of the body are brown, the under reddilh grey, croffed
every where with tranfverfe blackilh lines: the quills and taff
brown: the laft cuneiform, brown, croffed, with, lines of darker
brown : legs Brown.
In fome birds the tail is plain brown, and the vent and under
tail coverts black *, which is the cafe in a fpecimen in my
poffeffion. I have alfo feen others, which varied much from
either, efpecially in regard to the having more or.Iefs of the black'
Thefe inhabit the Canary Ifiands, Madeira f , Senegal, Angola,t
the Cape of Good Hope, and India
* This puts me in mind of the Bearded Titmoufe; the male of which his 3
black vent, the female not. May not this mark diftinguilh the Texes?
f Forft. Voy. p. 26.
£ To which Linnt£us adds America, Surinam
Le Serevan, Buf. oif. iv. p. 103.
Moineau du Senegal, PI. enl 230. f. 3.
Red-rumped Wax-bill Finch, Brown's III»p* 70, P^* z9*
Lev. Muf.
T E N G T H four inches. B i l l l ik e red fealing-wax: head, and
back part of the neck, cinereous: back and wing coverts
brown: greater quills dulky: belly and breaft dirty white.
upper tail coverts crimfon, and a bar of the fame acrofs the vent.
the tail is dulky : legs dark grey.
Inhabits Benguela and Senegal, in Africa.
The under parts in fome fpecimens incline to yellow, and have
the fides of the rump and wing coverts fpotted with white : the
bafe of the bill bordered with black. Such an one was brought
from the IJle of France, by M. Sonnerat.— Others have the under
parts of a pale yellow: neither the bill nor rump red: the legs yel-
lowilh, and totally without white fpots: perhaps of a different fex.
There is alfo in fome birds a tinge of red on the breaft, and fore
part of the neck; and the tail fomewhat longer in proportion:
thefe fuppofed to come from the Cape of Good Hope.
Le Petit Moineau du Senegal, Buf. oif. iv. p. 104.— PI. enl. 230. f. 2.
O I Z E of the laft. Bill red : through the eyes a ftreak of the
^ fame : throat, and fides of the neck, blueifh white: the reft
of the under parts of the body, and rump, rofe-coloured white,
more or lefs deep: the top of the head, neck, and back, blue,
lighteft on the head: wings brown : tail blackilh: legs red.
Inhabits Senegal.
V ar A.
D escription.
V arieties.
71' V ar. B.
D escription.
VOL. II. X White