white: throat, breaft, and belly, afh-colour, marked down the
middle of the laft with pale yellowilh buff-colour: tail even at
the end, and of a plain brown : legs brown': claws dufky.
Inhabits the Sandwich IJlands. I have feen alfo a bird not
very unlike that, which was met with in Nootka Sound. This
had the crown black, and a fpot of yellow on the fore part only:
a double line of white on the wings: the belly in that bird was
alfo white. I take this to differ only in fex from the firft.
Alia Emberizse fpecies, &c. N. C. Petr. xv. p.486. pi. 2j. 1. 2. (J . Le-
fechin) the male.
Emberiza leucocephala, N. C. Petr. xv. p. 480. pi. 23. f. 3. (Gmelin.)
Emberiza pithyornus, Pall. Trav. vol. ii. p. 710.
S1 Z E o f the Yellow-hammer. Bill dirty white: head faf-
ciated; firft a broadifh hoary ftreak down the middle, on each
fide a black one meeting at the hind head ; below this the nape is
hoary ; through the eyes a rufous ftripe; below it, on the
cheeks, a triangular fpot of white, and on the temples one of
black of the fame figure : fides of the neck, and throat, ferruginous
: on the breaft a triangular large fpot: middle of the belly
hoary: fides rufous : vent whitifh : back, and rump, rufous; the
ihafts of the firft dufky : the coverts, and fecond quills, brown,
edged with rufous: greater quills, and tail, blackifh, with whitilh
margins, the laft forked, and the two outer feathers marked with
white from the middle to the tip on the inner web: legs dirty
white: claws dufky.
The female is wholly varied with grey and pale rufous : the
D d 2 ihafts
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t i o n .
F e k a i b ,