L.oxiatudoviciana, Lin. Sjß. i. p. 306. N° 38.
Gros-bec de la Louiiiane, Brif. orn. iii. p< 247. pj. 12. f. 2. •— PI. enl, 153,
f. ?.
Le Rofe Gorge, Buf. oiJ\ iii. p. 460.
Red-breafted Grofbeak, Ar£t. Zool.
Br. Muf Lev. Muf.
L E N G T H fix inches and three quarters. Bill, like that of
a Bulfinch, brown: head, upper parts of the body, and bafe
half of the tail, black: bread, and under wing coverts, light
purple : belly, thighs, vent, and rump, white, varied on the belly
with a few purple fpots : on the wings are three white marks j one
acrofs the coverts, a fecond parallel to the edge of the wing, and
a third on the tip of the fcapulars: the lower half of the three
outer tail feathers is white, and the inner web, at the tip of the
fourth, of the fame colour : legs brown.
One of thefe, in the Leverian Mufeum, differs in having the
fides of the bread, and over the thighs, of a ferruginous brown
colour : vent very pale yellow.
That defcribed by Buffon had a rofe-coloured bread, and is fo
coloured in the Planches Enluminees.
Inhabits Louifiana.
Lev. Muf.
g I Z E of a Yellow-hammer. Bill pale, moderately doutj with
a dulky tip : the plumage on the upper parts dulky : every
feather, except the greater coverts and quills, fpotted at the end
with white : the under parts dirty white, marked with dulky
dreaks : over the eye a pale dreak : the outer tail feather has
10 the
the outer web white almod to the tip, and a white fpot on the
inner web near the tip ; the next feather nearly fo, but lefs con-
fpicuons : both quills and tail fringed on the outer web with
dulky white : legs pale brown.
Suppoled to come from North America. Place.
Dulky Grolbeak, Aril. Zool. DUSKY GR.
r e a d , neck, and back, dulky, edged with pale brown : Description.
wing Coverts dulky, eroded with two bars of white : quills
green: middle of the throat white : fides of the bread,, and fides
of the belly, white, fpotted with brown.
Found at New York, in the month of Jane *. Place.
Loxia Canadenfis, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 304. N“ 29. CANADA GR
Le Gros-bec de Cayenne, Brif. orn. iii. p. 229.» pi. n . f. 3» — PI. enl. 152.
f. 2.
Le Flavert, Buf. oif. iii. p. 462.
Br. Muf.
Z E of a Houfe Sparrow : length fix inches and three quar- Description.
ters. Bill alh-colour, and the edges of it fomewhat projefting
in the middle : the upper parts of the plumage olive green, the
under paler, and inclining to yellow : the feathers round the bale
of the bill, and the chin, black : the legs are grey.
Inhabits Cayenne, and, we may fuppofe, Canada likewife, occa- Place.-
lionally, as Linnaus has given it that name.
* Mr. Pennant*
Ii Have