264 f i n c h .
Lapland, and the middle part of Sibiria *, being often found near
the Uralian chain. It breeds in the northern parts, and unites
into docks : when it changes place, it runs like a Lark on the
ground : fings like a Linnet, frequently while vibrating in the
air, like the Lark.
This fpecies inhabits, though lefs frequent, the fields of the
inner bays of Greenland, and makes the neft in June, of mofs and
grafs, lined with feathers : lays five or fix eggs, of a browniih
Hate, mixed with a duller colour: is fuppofed to migrate into
America in autumn.
fringilla nivalis, Lin. Syf. i. p. 321. 21.
Le Pinion de Keige, jouiaNiver.olle, Brif. orn. iii. p. 1.62, pi. 15. i*. I.—
Buf. oif. iv. p. 136.
D escription, T E N G T H feven inches. Bill black : head, and hind part
‘L/ of the neck, cinereous : back, fcapulars, and rump, grey
brown; the margins paleft : upper tail coverts black : the thighs
pale afh-colour : all the under parts of the body as white as fnow,
as are the wing coverts and fecondary quills, except the two
neareft the body, which are brown: the baftard wing and greater
quills black : the two middle feathers of the tail are black; the
others white, tipped with black.
Place, This fpecies inhabits various parts of the European continent,
particularly near Lauphiny, in France; alfo about the fnowy tops
of the Caucajian mountains, and thofe of Perjia, defeending from
thence into the plains in winter f .
* The RuJJian bird likewife varies a little, having a cuneiform patch of white
on the outer tail feather, and the fides of the belly ftreaked longitudinally with
black. Pallas.
+ M r. Pennant.
Le Moineau de Canada, Brif. urn. iii. p. 102. 15. PI. ml. 223, f. 2. MOUNTAIN F.
Le Soulciet, Euf. oif. iii. p. 500.
Mountain Finch, Arft. Zool.
C I Z E of a Sparrow: length fix inches and a half. Bill reddilh: D escription.
the upper parts brown, mixed with darker brown; quills and
tail darkeft, edged with a paler colour: acrofs the wings two bars
of white : the crown of the head chefnut, mixed, in the middle
with grey brown : fides of the head and neck, and all the under
parts, white: legs brown.
Inhabits Canada. Placi.
Le DattieT, ou Moineau de Datte, Buf. oif. iii. p. 487. 17.
Capfa Sparrow, Shaw's Trans.- p. 253. CAPSA F.
'T 'H I S has a fhort, thick bill; the upper mandible black, the D e s c r i p t i o n .
under yellowilh ; about the gape a few briftles : the fore
part of the head, and throat, are white : the reft of the head, the
neck, the upper and under parts of the body, grey, more or lefs
inclining to red, but mod fo on the bread * : the wings and tail
are black; the lad rather forked ; the wings reach two-thirds on
the tail: legs yellowilh.
This bird is met with in Abyjfmia, and is alfo found in Bar- Place.
bury, to the fouth of 'Tunis: it dies in Hocks, and is frequent
about granaries, &c. like our Sparrow : often leen in the date
villages to the weft of the Lake of Marks: has an exceeding fine
note, much better than that of a Canary-bird or Nightingale;
but will not bear tranfporting froth its native placet
* Sbavs makes it all over of a Lark-colour, except the bread, which is
lighter, and lhines like that of a Pigeon. He fays it is as big as a Sparrow.
■ V o l . II. M m Le