the Northern Ffon^ierii
B ^ r,;fesgn^mnd ate, m aoeMeatally;iQhseTYei
in ffchp mct^asio©: j®f jageshb^bbe natives»,,
enabled thej»jto
th e ,airholes iwKir.h , qbhei^pise, wo.uld.he necessary (to
proCuie from othor .countries. Thus, forcxauiplepthey
use the seeds of ai^pécies.of-the fagar a, by way .of pepper;
They .ièxtcacfc ;an ^excellent oil from the kernels of ithd
apïieotin lieu of trfwes ; Tbut for more common purposes
frftm the seerk ofsesamum. bf hempüuf o^tonitQfdumip,.
a <§po#tea?3^f Jnint, and. of a vartetyi^;oth4r^sia5tegf^
cannot, lindeed. Jbe said to-hie useles^weoddniChipa;
TJ^ydPaaattufeeötiPi.eltA ffrom theifibras «bajdead,faettle-j
and paper from i the - bark- of different v®getables,zdirom.
thiffibresofithdjhemp, from. the.:Straw of-rmeb Aspeeies
of cultivated moc&Qrdica.serves JeE,ëuGumher.:<A èarduus
is.oceasionaEy; eaten as .a relish with The/stephdrtfs:
purse,is toshoTound, sometimes in th e ir,sal adsd ,;:3|jbs^
draw- fipbm the. garthamus,- theiri
usfirigrarmine. Thehnp©f the acorn/servp&rtbein to,:diyf|
black ; a and. the leaves nob an ash are inade.'*to-answer for
those/of tho.mulberry in the rearing, of silk-worpis.
«.Onithese plains, besides, .different species.(©f theawil-
low,TeW.tffees\were;foundy except poplarsplantedround
burying places; land ash and mulberry trees thinly scattered
throughout the plain. That willow whieh is distinguished
jby riitg pendent branches and leaves, ^adorned
the banks of streams: one of these was.observed fifteen
jfedfcdnjgirthVras meisuisednafc.a«nan’s freight: above tfe
xoot. ,A'rweriwas:arassed^early in theifirMj' dbys’-st^our-
rie y n a rrow * in d e ^ / Mtide'eplle^ougbj^btehawi^atfed
b y small boats^obWhibhf^'considgrafelefhntubefnv^^sbeh
upon. iftfiThe ’ edurpe?. o&My fejsmf all. the others dnt'tfteb.
tract; ^vas.’ to^thdsduth ’anjdle&i1 .te G eo d^eobiddEe e[ ti en tly
down*"these fivers from' thdconfinesrjofdfe^gaiy
'a^feStaiedft'o' anid| feorri dkon'theb&oks!. dMeh^ii|dMlfaiO-
' da^rgsTjiWt double-humpedOeaffiSOte) * ahimats ieltedn iedl t(|
be*s(?outter; str'oMj»&f,ia'nd kwiftemhan thebeamebwatha
singlehump. T h e former, OEdromedar^iiOike wise&i®^*
adapted for cold climatespy Suoh -were loaded often Jwi4?h
furSVfbetrielfl^fjaralki^eidfeT aTtkr|nybut:itd.s\fpuhd Worth
while tocmploy therrbakQiin fcc^veyih^xfronstHe'nGteai?-
iheir backs to Peking it being'the! chief-fusl^hsfedttllerydn
'fhe’prtepafatibn Opfobd.
fll afn S|fw ef©■: o f thatKk ind: whfeff -have * VeiWi^hOitihuit
thifck fieshyftaijs] weighingl<scyettfp6uh^ highly
Aboukyvkenty- mife: ffOm :the®:cajihaf! the'r^ u K r y
thwa'rds Tartary bfegarnjoi risOy th g :yoib!eh44i?ged':fikt-
W is e f ;^ # b ^ M ® ;d(p3aiif|fei|a5Wlite!
the' tday fend-’black mdMWeU^ibly JdCCifetfeed 1: ArfeW
miles "further on the? travellers*? st'oppedbfor. -th^Jd^y,
at ‘6he''0f* those* palacds bml<? fch^tehe-SSfeXi-yCiiiOn^l ‘ of
Jo.urney.t© th.eFrEHèo^è&iëehhn