tiob. jdF*that commodity was sufficient- for thirtyanaltionS
of people! for a year, without faking into-theuaecoiinf
the'U&taeks then opened for? consumption, and thqfd^sser
accumulations ^before .observed along -the banks, oft tfte
T i i l f tM l
This article is a soUrfcprof considerable revenue to the
orownbn-Ghinal' The ambunfrbftthe duties upon at in^he
province of Pe-bft^rlee',: is^sfated-ffcojllsimferior tefwKa^is'
crflected & various other partsiaftthe empire/ In several
districts of thatprovinch} partieulanlyin
hood of the;capital, instead dfirixarine,salt,rao^felsBSifbr
unpurified nitre idisaidi to he^Sfiabu-ndantfljas tpjpeooften
substituted for it b y the rpeppfef^as ?in?!s(|iidfftf t tfie^k1-
teriorparts o'f_Indiav^«d'may .theje-di^sgt^lP.a^iithe
naflie hicommon salt than thifewhichtthjg^e^jpro^^eS*
| Most of the marine salt imported
brought'from theftseacd&stsubft the .twoV?sbaajbeam |Y0i_
vinfies of Fo-chien and Quan-tung;-whejjgfitlis p i f f l e d
from i sea water/ : Large* ffields? beingi madei-petfectljg
smooth and flat, with margins elevated about six inches*
sea water, is let in upon acla!y<eysn#6eeiVblth'eEftbro.ng]a
skwces, n rp um p ed up at high Water ;by^hain-pupaps:,
The water is suffered to lie-on those fields sto-thplds^A
pft#wo i® th re e inches. Th e/b est , of the', sun in the
summer season is sufficiently strong. tU evaporate'1 the,-water.
Theleyaporation; carried on slowly and- uniformlyi
leases behind large cubic crystals; .and forms that specie?
uSu^yiknowni byvtheaname of Bay-salt; in England. Passage up
fflmr-eipire^ similar)works near the mouth of the Peh
ho river, bufltoicoi'eonsi'S^ablei extent. Its! more northr
"e®n '-situationi i ^ 6e^taiMily:in0.fe.,softfa^oiubable for the pro-
eesstfby• solaaj'dieat.. jhArtifipial heat.is found necessary
to,ieam>p^pth ^ |8^&M?; in,England, apd*e,v,en in some of
tHeA^fithenn. parts-^ftiFran$g$u Tbei.rsal&;b?f®gHt from
Quan^ung^and Fi@%;ehien into th^ed&drb°> is/sufficienfcid
loddannualkyj-Mear} two thonbaudt^esjseisr of t wo hundred
tons..!}um4enxeac;h• Wlmm';t^§%arti6le\iafene employs, so
many*Jaanks,rdfea;s; cas^p k a’cporBnt for. the multdtud^tof
themu^^^r upon» tJnhl^iyek.ytlApd^trideed^ neither the
number oft towns and villages within, view,oft the Pei-ho;
nor? of theinhabitant^ft0fhinghl>/v^i;ds'it, 'surprised1! the
feraveliersisb much as tbafcnf ,tbet j unks w h ich fw l^ev ery
ift*© v e rta k e n ? ,u o r ^mnfciida iling.: upon' the? river,/-or
passed; at,(anehor id. f^^kss> alongt-itstbanksb'-i*
Theypjyramid^abdy^id^^fe^d^ wjre^ withi^ sight of
the »great .port. litera’ft signification
of which! (^bingssg anappellatipptjwhichjit
olaimsfetsiteated ipfatgbnaal climate^ a £er-
tifeKoil,>,a;dry ainr-andf^ spdne skyp It.jis, thd.genesal
emporium foJr;,the^nbr<thern^pxibvinno^^o£;!.G'hina, and is
'bs ilt at the co'nfluenG^of ftwo rayte^sfroiri which- it rises
A ^ ^ g e n | ! e - Thepalanfi oft thf^gnsiembr stands, on
a proj^ctin gnpo ilpt,, from whence lit command^ the pro/
^PS^foft ^.broadjj bason, of expanse e f water,' produoed