.-f©^ ■ -
when bfelorvv it,iby ike am of k chain i p urn p;yó£ whibhthe
üse is: ifö ifaifailidr as tkat bf a koe ito every'.Ghdliese 1 husbandmans
In ia Jew fdayis tk©i shöots appearsabov©’. the
wdteii: In ithat dmt6iY&lfi>the re mainder of the ground
intended Jonmiltiyatioiri, -if stiff; dsfjffaughed, tire lumps
broken iby fh® e sj and, the surfacelevelled- bythie harrow.
Askoon ïas : Aesshdtftsdhav^oaiiained the heigh* of six or
seven inches, theyare-plneked up b y d ie J<M)fis, ithei ti3pb
ó f the Madesreut off, and eachtröot iésiplanteêlèelïarafëly,.
sometsmes in small furrows turned with the' plough, and'
sometimes in holes , made i d ibws by a drilli&gfistick for
that purpose. .The roots a»e about half a fóofc aMtodërl
Water is iafotóghfctover them a second time, for the convenience
of irrigation, arfebto pe^pdatsaits ^röportïiM'f;
die? rice tfieJdsFare -mbdividedhy > n^rovv
into,small indosures. Through avchannél i4i3eadh-ridig®|.
the water is conveyed at will to every subdivtii®®!^
the field. As Ae rice »approaches, to maturity* €h ë-WAer,
byi evaporation and absorption, disappears entirely^a®#
theernp, -when aapey ooyémdry ground. \ Thefifst ele^p
eij harvest, in the. southern provinces-particularly, happens
towards the end o f May or beginning of June. T h f
instrument for reaping,* is a small sickle; denfcated like a
.sa^vsnd-cro^fced. ’Neither,carts nor cattle are
carry the 2 sheaves off from the spot where they Wfirë,
reaped yd>ut they arp placed regularly in frames; two èf
which? suspended at the extremities of a bamboo pole,
are' carried across thgershctulders ,ofsa man, • to > the R - plaee jovraefto 1 • 1'" Hair^eboo*
intendedrferdisengaging theSgrJunbrom the stems which- fool
had supporteddb This operation is?perfbrmed not* only
by.asflail, as is customary in Europe,* •pr.by?’ cattle tfiead-
ings.the gqrn^in the mannerr\ofi#ilier?Orientalists, ■ but
sometimes aUorby.strikingcit against >a iplank jfet Upon.
ifes-edgd; -or byobeatingrit-againsibt'h.efiS^e-i(>f’a:d;ar,g§t4 ^
sebllopedt for thatJipkrposejJ^helbackrand.^id^Jrgifig,
much higbeplthan the jf&bnt prevent • ^fipfigrain fifom
heingsWisphrsedi Aftei being)winn©wedat >$ carried;to
thje grapery;-or
ydTo’ 'remove th ©risk in o r husk jof' rice; a. large
earthen vessellbsrholloiw stone; -imfbrm j^rn§w%a(rilik©
that? Wliich is--used else where fobifflteriBgfiWafegjt is )fixed
firftiil^ n the ground,' and-Ahe|^ra»,j«plaefidnh* 1 i&juif
Mrteluwkh aiconicaliSi&nerfi.xedKterjdj.e extremity of,’a
feVeri and ‘ cleared,nSumetimed (indeed imperfectly* ftotO
Ate husk. The *stca&e is?" Worked-frequently^iy;a person
tr'ea’ding uponthe endaofithedever, as ,in$th<l following
dkgSafShg- 'Thectome pbjeCt is'.attainedcakofbyrfa^'jng
th#gritobttw§e®Jsyo;ffat stories'of a-circular form; the
u ^ p e ro f which turns' roundupon thelidieE#Ibut'.afr<fuch
I a ddstancefrom it as'riot t®break the1inLermedi^gra!ins
T h e »operation? ^ ‘performed on *»kujees! »eafo^drfwll*
ttfriiediby Water.;1 bhe^isso£'6heswl«eebearryihg.Syerak
armd,"' which oByt striking, iipbn?dhb! ends.of* levers^raise
*he? saan& 4«arinbnas ajipeai*to IfewbneJ^itbs