paani retttly as wfejl An feeaithax i f 'toothing had happened to
.... him. When anadultris}! thus transfoiimed into a Mack
Or wmflStl: ®u»ndhf itgteneralfy happens, that his beard
soon! begins, and 'gradually; eOBtinrafes, df,> until
none at lerigthAsdeft. ••He*beeo®aes? withered in the same
proportion, and in a few yfeats his ftteedsdkrrowed dike
th&zvrmUM' -hag; double. Thisidmerip-
-tidn agrees wi th th a tof GhiyscMlem, who ohserYes,) that
.« whbn ^he 'paint was '‘washed'^iaway frcm'thfiifefietof
Eutrcpius (the eunuch), it appeared more' ugly and
H wrinkled than that dMin old'woman.” Gkudian remarks,
indeed, -5tfhat- the*e- iai«eweely any mtesvakikm-.
twee© the youth and 'decrepitude o f such persons. The
principal attendant upon the ladies! ©f 'Yuen-*nii©-yuen,
seeded to be sehsibie'of this fact. niKho he wasa^oder
thirty years, of age, he ©ever made hiss appearance without
his face- being entirely painted; jhisjperson^asiit
were, made Up; and his dress -altogether gaudy ;', and
adorned with severaV trinkets and tassels at his girdle.
He was at least six feet high/and werysdnstp# but ill
made, and loosely put together;.; ■ - A^girl V iu o i^ could
'scarcely be more shrill or feeble.
I f a man wishes' to emerge out of the plebeian rank,
apd submits to become, a eUnuch* he' is recei^ed in one
of the palaces immediately, and promoted' to >someijem-
ployment- in it, which gives him the. advantages* and
importance of ar,gentleman. It detracts nothing • from- his
tide, whethef he'Carrks a besom;, psra bunch ©f keys, M-to
adiapiwpeii the
o a p ,whieh vi'S:more - pro|ferly th'®b|d'^|®f»office, e f the
civil and mtHtaryimafidaEiKeSi
■ iumateslilthistpa
ie e®«© t muehfgf niter #ban thei#? aefeubwledged- authto
ritfi? >amd :;mandari©i#3^^mi©eMb who had. disobliged
them/havb'feer^khowm^pfbediSg^M'JjliEohgtethe'ir «U
sinuations. Cunseious- hiiwaaitogb ejimes dep£dd
S^OP ithe&r tales and representations in theintej&awsmof •
theirifemiHar '.services! rtvath tbeiso^sreign itheirv-maSterj
they carry stkedr effrontery «iveptoi therifegreei ofstieatang
witb indfl^nahyvisbiaae x>fifeheibramb®sv©i£h>is owwfaiBaiy.
A prin'cJpihout eighteen yeasesiof^age^aigsrands®©' ©f ;fehe
Emperor, was once aMong;th®#sito |hesent
s nbrought from IhagpaBdvsvhema*;^^
pushed himiiOwt of door», saying, ifejalasnfitter Jbr; lam to
be dfi school, dba©; idlingd® febtatthall.
. A school, it seems, -khi>ef$>iHi ;tbe i plia®& fiafetihose
prinf e$, ?afa wlrinhtth^^reyiBkreipally mu^rac ted; ifethe
Ghinese .and Ma'n-ohoo' Tartar ian.guages , and . atso in the
history,irimsiaudfceremoniestshfibdth4 foouplndpi.
, r It is ‘supposed^that the ®«hupation’hfiA « eupamhs in
daeiintespiox iof i t t e ipala&e> h assimtefe decreased* with the
Emperor *s
has b e e p ‘dead semeutime, and;; his Imperial .Majesty
treated ive?iy .slightly a ^ridiculous proposition piade jto