jouFneyjto colours, .and decked with streamers and,other naval orna-
* * 1 ^ meht^ fej wpding with - noisy potjpnpkiisant when
’ heard at a little distance,, the ves^els of the- Embassy followed
e ^ h other, to the number o f abbut forty,
gular procession. * Their pipgtess had indeed been slow*
especially when a south-west brefeze sprang u p ; b u tit
made the air feel uncommonly/pleasant. A gre;y mottled
sky discloaedi at the same time, snehalproportion
sun’s beams as rendered tlie weather »till more c h p e ^ li
The scene became more lively and.delightful, .riot^pnly
by the view of dther vessels sailing and crossing each
other on the canal; but .by the prospec&hpn shore,'of
towns and villagesrff husbandmen cultivating the fid^s
or reaping the^harvest; of militaryj|JQSts With flags flying
on the E m b r y ’s approach, and guards saluting it with
repeated firing, of guns; and numberlf|||&f ectatofs hur4
tying to the banks to§, the canal, to-,get a sight« of tth§
strangers as they passed. :
On the southern side of the Yellow river,, the yachts
began to profceed more quickly, the current of the canal«
as it qnittqdthat river, being more rapid; to |Opsf fpen^i
of which the number of flood?gates| was increased Upon
this part of it. ’ F^!the%Qn, it was carried h@f ihfe #$#?•
gin of lake Pao-yng, whose surftefe was much . -lower
than that of the canal, which was separated from the
lake by a strong embankment, such as has already beep
described. In this lake an extensive fishery is; carried
on, principallyi by the#%ijjhst of rtho$I§mn£se, fishing ■ Journey to
.corvor^nfe 0fi(ahina,#diihh:iniscientific language;may be foo.
dis tingiiis^edj frpmtothertspeGigsslly'lte name ©k-pdieanvuj
Swi^ms.. These fishing,birds ;are_' fieie tddnsd, and;sent
from hence] to« dbjparfoaf the'emptfeii The ,$$th plate o f
the folicdrolume contains ajfievhefihe Pao-yng lake, with
ft#jteparation b y an embankment from thdlpfend canal.
Beybnd the lake the oountrydavas again; spffqoyered
with swamps and morasses, asndWqfadjidt ©ilt’Mg: usual
amongst them,/and in great aburidanef&j In such situaT
tiohs the Chinese' exhibit new instances of industry and
ingenuity i* They form raffsor hurdles of bamboo, ,'^had)
thi^^flqat upon the water, qr resfdupom morasses: on
these Tafett^Cy spread a layer ofssoil, from whence they
raise various; kinds dfvsege tables, jo like mapngr as successful
attempts aremade, in miniature, tq^pfodnee.small
vegtmbleson ^hip-board, by laying seedsmen; moistened
soil, qr even on pieces o f flannel,, placed in frames, and
wetted. By these means the radical leaves, fqr example,
of mustard sprout up quickly, and are particularly grateful
to demobs long absent from landbd-
- Beside this method of raisingia .crop upon; the water,
the lakes, rivers, and canals of China are converted so
assiduously to snehotheruseful purposes, either in cub
tivatirig vegetables growing from their bottom, particularly
the lien-wha, or in catching, by s6 many, means,