Departure of ported Ky,shroud^ but fixed by a strong -massy step in
fromüieguif. the kelson below, and kept firm byriaEgés wedges driven
in at the „partners .above. . Their sails;.wferer'Some .of matting,
otherstdf cotton^, Their fables andfties were mostly
made of hemp, apparently/.Well manufactured.:- Th^
smallest only of the junks passed.-throughitheMhaJtap
stfcaii.- The others. Went to-the -northward of' the islands
that/bear, the' samf- nameiiwhich1 experience! hadTnQ
dofibt^ shown to litó.thedife^^Tssag^im
t\, At . Ten-choo-lbo ' Sir.- Erasmus;/Gower; experienced
- the good the; iorders! thatihad.’ beeni fejiW;a.<rdéd
in sins I fdvour{by Ithd iVieeahy^^f Be-whedee-;
ply fwasH furnished ofi proYiaorii arfsd{diveis^ijk for/all
h is pfeopleJ; Erom thence h e proceeded to . examine the
baystof Ki-sanheiij -sometimes ^called Zea^a-taa-bay. i He
arrived there/ the /fifteenth of Aughstphad! ‘ ‘ s öuhèl the
“ ibay sufficiently secure in all directions if©r< ^aawfelb
%fdiInd'«Hip to winter in ; thebay:bxtensi ve>; depth’of
-‘w ater; fkom nine; to five fathoms, ^the- ground;ftough
‘‘. and very holding:!! Wood rfor ifet^l, and fresh wa4
ter were,: however,: at a distance in -theoBay
tigue of obtaining; these might prove injurious'to? the
Lion’s brew* [ in theip diminishedi .nmmbe‘r; lan d ! wfekk-
ened stater : The barren aspect .of the I neighbouring
hounfryy and the' /poverty. of:; t h e .
doubtful whetheri the sick and eonvalesderits-* of the
squadron; cduld ra g easily supplied; there .with all things
hfeCe^safy't'o redruit them: It was determined, therefore, Departure of
to h d h t i n u e ^ t h e a t O^ till u-san, Whefb there was a fromtteguif.
g ra te r likelihood of' *effectiial assistance, TMthdistance ”
^^.shorW^the ReasonffaVburable |j and^inythef former
^ fs a g e^it ftad been foun^, tm t ‘^irimO part of the wprld
wa's the se% f c M r o f d an pP aslfrom GhrMsan* to jh e
“ river of Tieii-s-M^/:’' ' ■