Eefcto hei^tdneéswittóiieiaidrbfvaFt. A thick, patchobvetej
1 milionon tike Mn^fejbf?tbéL löwer lip ^ ën ïed ? té ;be* a
fovoUriteimodeof ming^iaintoiSdtiieof tHem^wej^isitting:
in covered oasrikges.; of which , as w.elfas' o f horses* there'
are ^everkllto be fotmdfor hire iii various parts o f the
town. I A ;fèws'ofl the Tartar fe®eSdwëre> on^fxb'rsebacK,!
and- rotte astride?| like nieri. iiSpardesnien wlitb tbsan ioolsy
searching ‘for*employment, and ‘pedlars-offering them
Wares, ferrate, were seen'; ;! Several’ of
théètreefó werë narrow, and atth een tran eep f tfehrgates;
Wereiefetete'd, near whiebguards; wéte stationed ,'it was
said,' to quell any |occasional disturbance t in the heigh-l
hourhood. Thósb gated: are\shut ait flight;1 and Opened
only in cases of exigence.1? The train of the 'Embassy
crossed a streetSwhich extended north and g south,, itlie
whole length of the Tart& city-, aJnmsfcfourdiaifeè; arid
is cinterrup tedium! y b y severalIpairloosy or triunrphuMas
bries s<-and passing by many tenrpleé and other jcapacicms
buildings andmagazines,they reached,1 in little more.thaiï
two hours from their^entrance on fche!eaaternkictej‘tecfa:e
óf the . western; c ity gates,,, o£ tehibh^heiFlatei^fo; tf*Ot)r
o f the folio volume is a view, ^.Nearthisgate; and along
tHe'Outside\of thé westefn wall, fan the jsmall rivulet
(herd widefaed into a ' cohsidèiiabte; ditch) which after
almost surrounding Peking runs towards Tong-choo«
foo; and falls into. the Peiho., The suburb beginning,
at this western gafe,!being more extensive than that thro
wbipb the,y ,had. en$g&fd into,theicisty|teok■ to^avprjsedt iSJofiuPekm
upwards of tw^^vmin.utelr e - • *
-r; Tl^lgeiideni^-^f-itJieiEmba^y; §tepp^a&4hs fejftre^ r'"' 1
mky,{(ofp'^et jübp'i}M%s?Qo|^uaÄe^I nth&nriae
irripje^sionf tfjafc r.epjgjne^uppn th«|h,mindsr>after!passin||,
tbtó in ^ e d y ^ f
g lim p ^ ijid but little, qualify ébê®> to^oBni a {judgment
; but whftt^b^y jh&d ;seuu0^|gpb,in<»rcteti®n|t^$tte '
itnpe^af|palac^fi ,<hdn||,ifoijie ujtetQ
^iouslybatl.: jpj-med-of „the 1 G'apital^qffefj h ip
4mlgintedj ^ C b i r i e & d * b g q i rffpartiajsfrffyjMflU ay greater., grätifipafio® in (th® sight of the ships,
tb^)b^idggsè5thej'4qu^esj,; ^ejgj^lqpf | th e,- p j^ l i^ biiild-
i#g&*3 and th e ,displayjof^.wealth in, thé’ cap*(^i,pf,^jpk
The, Embasgiyjjbundj b^p,id§eedii^g»n örtbdyvesfrlfrora
Pèkin, tb^sameikipd olf granite pavement Qy#whietethe:^
had travelled to that city from Tong-choo-foo. | It Ue"d
them to th^ppeUftown pf 'Hai-tien ; ptaini®.gsfow:®itrhsr
buildings thanthejse intendeduf®r{thd|salgt pfigesods; and
palace.ojl Apen 7 nÄpry uep, ; ,v h ic h , liess 57 little* <way; {beyond
it.-,- Hege, was. ,tlie{.r,es,id^nee|= of^sptaed tali an ;misr
sionafies,' wHo, were; .dmpl^yi^d.tiäs-artist^ teyytbigj^oprf,
and probably on Jtbatiae,eount;.||tla;p§di#ea‘rii(ii? The-ghops
ofHaktieh, inaddirionitoi.n^cessariesjiabfttirMied in foyaf
and triftes; calculated to amiiseithe'.righjandiidleioifiboth