passed to- mount’ thef»%aH, wks,-
stopped up with stone an'd’ruhbish, 'so'a*sfto prevent their
passage The Tartar and Chin’eseiattertdaMsdsedihldyifl-
deed, in all ‘easesl to be- embarrassedda'etwpén ' the iraarm
offend ingigiteks they wêrè ordered to respëet?', if they
shouli ^ttempr to? put any actual constraint upon thlftr
actions, and the dread of being #espêÉisibleTor suffering
strang|to«nhafe ton h ia ra n in#g&Ofthe -country. p p p
policy of these peff-sons Con^ted cMéfly inillyeHihg the
strangers from curious tobj€ets k>-f- pursuit, by^iMKrë'Ct
methods* antTby thro win g obstru c rioifis | apparently ‘ Incidental,
in their wa'y^^hdsithe-gentl^nerPtsf^the Em-:
bassy; from ’
ration towards their attendants, clésisted frequently ffbm
esSeursions and perfedrfy^tiârîÉféssWA-^thwnselveSrd
In the beginning of thisjournteyV-nno«nTlh^Bnib8^
sador’s guards died of a surfeit, as was*supprn^d?Sf fnlit.
His death happened in one'of the Errfpefof^ s ,!pffflaehS";
but sucb is the extraordinary delie'a‘cy<â£-thk^édpllMiir
every thing relating to their dfead sn^erhign/ithâ't ic Was'
contrary to rule tOihavh allowed any person to breitkd
his last-within the Imperial preeindto? The
thetèforé, of the Embassador, directed the cdtpSe Of this
European to be carried from thênce in a palanquin f as
i f still alive ; and his death was announced at some distance
upon the road.
A n#feh,p^pèrsv©h’belongmig Mü®iiiê#i*t'he(*Embassador’s Ketma to
«mètéf laboining||ndeBa^dy^S;Ji®y4,%t^pped at a Chinese ~ >
in n e n d e®ks yndnc^it(#^m.utlt a pbjyslejflU. of tMe? place,
whoièo^he ^d^ih^ofitketpulse, added' a .'discours'd iipon
.tbetdifferéntt;tompe^kmmkt4©fi the' human frame, and un-
toiksily: attributen g' bite patient’a sufferi-n-g-ltorsthe' predèh
minanjoêi '©f&ccM humèüWtoprêspribbdrï fo r1 hiito strong
,4o%St oppepper,, cardamoms',> and ginger, taken in? hot
sh^^d^QiOr distilled 'spirit: a miMicrhe- whichisgje#-
•a&peratedidll thsj&y m p tom s* of his- disorde.rl? that he had
-muehdiffi qultiy/toids'cape- 'aiiv'èf to P,eküï#ft
The return o f the Emb&ssadpr.- and»h b<§bi$èto that:capi-
tal, was a«jos^fuheyènt toisuchoftheraheient companions
©fsÜfe^V0«yagd5a^feé h’adiffithetebehind him. The y had
?M%ed, intoatiintervah, afretired a-ndi^e^ludjed fife. Many,
indhecbjofttjhe missihn®rie's,ijwere hearfy ^aSfr'desirous'^F
their society,'* as-*exiléstusually fare to sedMihlir! Countrymen
in atorèigm-lariT;... andöüa^^iiaglyiié.' the * beginning,
some ;ö£?tfoe • fathers called upon the: English'- eVi-
i%y day?.: but this vér-y nhtimaGyïfe©n,tribhtedy<’p'grhaps, to
arè.use totoextremeijealou&y of thèfChiaatese 5a®a’fost) both.
The longrresicLendei of the former did nofafexStopt them
from the gesueasal* mistrust'entertained'iof foreigners-; and
nothing could be more| dï$igÖBO.üs;|or ©xtea vagant, than
the designs attributed to1 thedatteryparticlularly iridefters
from iGa^fcomand Macao. It w-aslyitM^l'fetérminè
the office»Si;of government at. Pekin, that as little oppor