Tartary. there by., the name af.goitres,;tortiswelled-®eck. The
glands<ofthe tbroal^pginat a n early age ito/swell, and
gradually increase,} ini some to. an enormous sneer- • The
S vsyllln^feegins immediatelybelo w the parotid gland,
"and-generally extends under theijaws fromearto ear^af*
fe®lngM|i the-submaxillary glands. .DoctopGillan estimated
thatnearly one sixth fob thes inhabitants he faw
-had this deformity; which isisaid, however, „not to appear
such in theseyes?©f lhds& villagers.* ‘Both sexes are
subjectihtlaese. swellings; but females more;than-males!;
the rfetjter removing oftener from the spots wberl. the
causes* exist,. whatever they may be, ‘thafeJOteea^icuKfchemi
The^e^ preternatural tumours did hod appears torbe attended
> with any other symptoms, affedtingethe-^general
health or corporal functions ofthose’d n ,w|iom they were
observed. But the minds of many of themi’were?much
weakened,; and perhaps -of all in -a-4essrdfegrjse:-')i Some
were reduced to a : State of absolute idiocy; ;Therspec-
taelfe of suchcdbieetsi whichfails not to conveyor serious
andeven a melancholy impression td person sr-i^otyfow
them for the first time, ^produces no such effect'-upon
those among whom they are bred. The ;objepts *them-
•selves are in their, general habits cheerful, and lead a
. mere animal life* as( eontradistinguiskedufrom that in
which any thought or reflection is concerned; A s'they
act:alone,from instinct,' ®iAe mere impulse of the I senses,
so their actions, however injurious they may happen to
~prQyetoioA&rS,^i^fee|from.-ht&ntionj|l maljtay and oca®»
S/ion rfoa£§s]3p tjrnpfyjii -s i n
so&6 d>eg‘r^g#Scsa^r^^, -an^tte^M^^^ujfeaipedby' their
fainiliesrW'ithpf qtdiar*
Whatever, be th e ^ te e ^ h i^ I^ o ^ sic f^ g ^ feS S si^ thp
human'frairjgy. ijt ;latis no. h p o n ocher
amitaals. This eau^-l^ gypjgpgjlyjSupp(^M?ijb,otll in Epj
rope;and ;in Asia^to^^ej t^^frequent 'TMe^oj^^pjy- water*
Melted, snow. is^fqpnd, in^eegh* fto, q^taiWpth|jth(more
'' 9-V®? .earth than . pain ^a,fcefe* [(bge|he5'ulwith.4ia(ye^y
sh ai l iP/p'PQ?^011 °h th ef^ ^d ^p f|p itre, an dar.^s^lt;. but
SPYSrY^h1'> ihplYfwer; muphusqdjin sU’chpp,eijiyo^ptfi(es
snow, h ^ ^ q t^ b e e n ?^bs^ryed
to .produce similar,,pbstfu'Gti,o]ns.] I t 3jis{1lr|ie%^ that, §
.particular, statfr j tb^atmospher^f^amop^mpuntalnsj
must cdncgiypowards ppg^tingvsthlsg||f(^t.: ; T h e , .part
of Tat-jfery^where this /disea§e^< abounds,.(».,has0jpany
alpine fpatur^vbmuch. res^nbling; Savoy, and -S-wi^sfr-
Noyolcanicprodiiction(appea^d|thrpugb9ut thisi^ute.
During the seventh or hist day’s'.jpurney', .the’ridges p f
the mountains wen^jjoajly^arallplto the^ipad.^p^hose
ridges d^criped almost horizontal lines, ^consisting (,pf
huge rocks of granite, differing much in.ske.fe^m pach
other, and arranged like |the yertebraeijd^iquadruped.
These rocks were cpypred with a slightj'/sid, but their
■sides were entirely naked,. ,theaearthfwhich.formerly, had