of very high rank, the.rnajidarine hadrspdittle conception
of a child’s being qualified, by hereditary «right, to be possessed'of
ishch-a dignity," that he gave-a look of-surprise*;*
and laying down his pencil, with which; Chinese,iicha-
ractersrare drawn, exclaimed, that he could notJventere
tpl describe him in that manner; ,fof-the*Empeft>r knew
very well how to distinguish* a'great man from a little boy-:
While the Embassador continued at Pekin some-ofithe
gefftlefeen hhcbffoCeasion often to pass from thence-'to the
Imperial palacevin th e ^ u n try ;’ and returning at’ different
times thro different'suburbs; gates,*'and^stieets^had
opportunities'of viewing‘most parts of • tfifepcapi taft-d His
Eicelfeficy rode in an English earria!gef 'drawinbyffoux
Tartar horses about twelve hands h ig l, and <^Sdueted%y
postilions picked out among persons in his 'guard,'who
had followed that, occupation formerly irtTmglahddHf
was a new spectacle to the Chinese, accustomed only-to
the low, clumsy, two-wheeled? carriages, fixed without
springs’immediately to the shafts, and-litde better than
common European carts. When* a splendid chariot in tended
as a present for the Emperor wa^ -unpacked and
put together, nothing could be more admired; b u t it was
necessary to give directions for taking off the box; for
when the mandarines found out that so elevated a seat was
destined for the coachman who was to drive the horses,
they expressed the utmost astonishment that it should be
proposed to place an y man in a situation above the Em-
Ip^rtir.. Sb^easily is the* deliJeaiMfof this peoples shocked in mui.
whatewito'jrcla'fe'eVit'o^he person of theiikexakedi^vereiga.
•i .Thejteveni n'g^iMore---the\«4epart-ur^xQ'fr';6hM Embassy
from PekinpfS mandaei|l||of high rank waited! upon,«* his
^medllq&oy with^-graeioull m^^g^to^'ham^ from\3rf^
E mperor.,ri:inquirin^abpu'ifelhiUhealtK;3 whichuh^ heard
■had beemtsonaewhafc ,@)S»le affe^Jj|Aa>nd {mooinmendii^gi-
tq'him to trasvdlfhsuh^usuallyted^M^i^lf;. byfeasy^jqujli
‘f i i cs. i n to IT atrtary*;' arfdptfiat f§|t and^sfsuitej^kojild be
»ydmfnqdafted^t theq^feCellpSete'd at s^veYabstatiphs./
throughout fchekoute-where his Imperial MajesiwWopped
in his Way %Zhe-hol.
The.aifhsttnent of( the planetai»um.‘GosuMs riot be;eom'-
phte%^dffoiefrhre?depar'tufelf the 'Embais|ddrrfqr;Tari-
tary ;%md Dr. Diriwiddie. ws»ief£ hehi’hd inrordeiritp
inspire t that ni^e&ndr nece^sar^ Work. OtheefgentKmin
and atfeiidantsj'ofithe Embassy remainedj on .yarioiis
accounts*at^Bekinjor-Yuen-min^yuen. Some weres^d-^y|
tained -by indisposition: amolagj the latter,was ionpof^the
(botanical' .gardeners*/ He hadxeolfeetedispeeimens of the
many species of plants p fih e proviririe\ofFe:Ghe-leea
list of thos'd which heipreserved i-s( added to-thisVchapter,
as not altogether uninteresting to a botanists* »
Corispermum hyssopifolium gCypcrusvo^fratus:r;?
another species. -------- -iria .
Blitum. Scirpus.