dfK^rMayWaSnbt öf the Y©Eal“kitid f btft ptoflü£M%
the Pel'h°' - thê motion of two flaps Or lamellae Wh ieb’ cövëf 1 hfeliM0-
o f the itfsfedl It Iff thé sïgn&lbf invitation
frota the- x&afe ■ of. that" spècies to ailüïé* the? feftfMëvWhich
fakefbsqüite Uftprovided with thSsébf§a*^bf eOlfrtsMp.
Thiö favourable Söilqga^ê fetrtb likêWiSè tb # fp eèiêwf
fobth, of'a sfzfe-lfef YêPy much irffe'f iêf-tb th a tö f a hum-
f tiitó g b ird i-S
A var-ietyïbf objeotsmpélï.th&Shllfr^kttflhfeid th é ritf-
Tifcieöf the travöfiet-s,1 afté bfteft impelled thëlfi t'o quit tnë
yaghtsi tfce,ip i i ^ ^ S ’Dof w hich was' ffèqtié!Mf^j§^Ww%
fö ailow of? ocêaSiöftat^eXCftfesiofts upön! lafiid, Btft'ffièy
b egan'to obseïve-that tbêy-Wëré w k ch ed with &<$*§!!§£
Wfl^aloftsy^nd suspieloft^^foftlé'-What^^^Md^Mè^ifl
öf- read j> of. the- cautious'police” of Chm2V* T b ls ,:Ö m ïg è
'waS-Foürtd-to bfe the ’corisëqftëfiÓêö b f orders* :frbm thè
Legate. I t Was difficult to ’&ttrïböfo üt&ëGêdfeïy A s sures
fof restraint' to lll-hüiftOlrf • alöfte ^iand^hb-'é'thei-
®aftsê t o i t e f b h eOiqecWIrèd.' -A t length th é itife^déFèï
discovered , from Scat!erëd hints in the familiarity of dis'-
Göürse with the mandarihes/thatdisShtfefSWiöïi had iktëly
been'conceived at eoiift'against the-'lnglM^nationv TKè
önly-ekplanation, which after much diffidultyf%ft#With
mo slight scantiööf béuld be-obtained on thiêF'ofctó^’#,,
was the following. In -a war 1 which thé EmpCbcb of
Ch in a h ad waged* i in; the coüfttry ’ ?of Thibêlv fi is af riff
met with more resistance, and suffered greater losses.
than weMfoifeseenTrom^smbh an enemy as was expected Passage uP
to b e encounter eS. ..'Somef-of-the Chinese officers imme- ----
diatelyi^ncied that? theyapeijceived European troops, and
^h&d|fe®tjhfeEiB»opaanjdiscipHne, in apposition to thpin.
TJpy..‘dise©vered ;^a^, they <said, as well |as turbans,
ainongtheffiienemies. Thq fonMi^dc was -concluded,
could he only English .o3'3kei report put politically for*
ward among the .people ohdhina was;* that» on the contrary;,
thefEpglish had. given assistancejo Tho th eWMfc
bas8ador^took for .grfaftied; Jthi&tfMekhesjdqeC was true^ cyet
b e was bofeseiou§: th at. th e b e lf ef» o f - the first assertion
Wepid b i sufficient t&; ^iienateiihe administration of
China from apy favouraWe’sdisp^diQntowardSj iar confi-
•demce in, th@ govemmeft# ©f'Great Britain.
In such a foniper, tho the Jltopen» >persoriaMy was
flattened with the: Embassy j and peremptory in his orders
for it sireue prion, yet theaninisters, c«ipiM®g this p*lssfoh
fromth© English With their s u pp osed h os til i ty, and their
real strength,Whtfche side of India, might be disposed to?
suspept some siipiister intention latent under the present
proffer- of gifts and friendship. Similar«sukpici@ffls led,
i^ks known, not iong-sineetith©'Ottoman court, to prcs-
hibit the passage of English travellers through Egypt,
o n ;the as Wasisetfoith in thebody o f tfeeproelanaation,
that it was the piabt'Me of their military men to
go ?4isg«wsfed as merdhabts,'1 and take plans ©f?foreign
places, and mrfieiobserVafiops on 4beir»«£a|e of defence,
vol. ir. H