iVisit.to .the ing to the ac-couots of a missionary, who, in quality of
EltOT«.r s an artist,-is said to.havedjeen employed in? the: deco rai-
tipn of kutjh’ a' place; in the femalegpartiof thdgardsris at
Yueri/minryuen; : Thatoaccdunt! however: ifTsaybeen
doubted, t is snot improbable./ fThe ladies? of the palace;;
shut out from the world, would/, no .dduhtl'IBe delighted
b y such airepi^^Sriaiibn - of what passes in i t ; .and the
Emperor eouMfrfedb no reluctance, in Egfatifying their
curiosity, axid, in some instances, his oswfc The Eihb®?':
sador, tiha former mission to. Russia* saw?, at*, qneof the
Imperial palacesof Petersburg, the image.of a town, with’a
number of workshops and warehouses; preteridedtradest
men, and the usual business of life, lot • a.
vefydivefymannerfor the amusementof the court; th<f
it promised iesfe entertainment there^ whitriaicme hT ihe
ladies were debarred,
of what was really passing in the 'world ejn
'Euring thihxeiirsion through the gardens of Zheshol,
wbidb Iasted several hours, Hb-choong-taung paid gfce'at
attention to the Embassador., and indeed displayed* all
the good breeding and politeness o f an experienced
couptmr- ■ The deportment likewise of the other minister,
was affable 'and obliging; *not so,' that of his brother*j the
Thibet commanded which was formal and repulsive?
The violent prepossession he hadimbibed against the
English, was riot attempted to- be concealed by him. lie
had had, no doubt, occasion /whilst at Canton/ jto observe
their bold arid * ady entur.oiis .spirit : ,and the id^ajof their
wealth and powei, canablfecd vyingeven with the Chi-
nese^jupjr^, wasvnp.id perhaps, what had, given him the
least plfenee,. , ItvWiasyjin Vain, that ttshe/TmbasWdfolpen -
4f^vjonr;ed40iOpneiliafe hisigopd humour, b y introducing!
thg subjepjjo|(his reputatiojpLasjddiy a r r io r ’ It ^©maturat
toitbx-pfect nthataMe.. Wouldtjfafel battered< byijpproposalr-.toj
hjLjnJj as; a judg^jqbd1ilifery eg&re.is'|Si,itp)isee a ^peqiinieni
ofi European evolutions speirfarmed by dais Exaellericy>s|
gjaardt;,'but he replied! in at^ulleno|onq,^lba^,b^®:^tal-’'
that,/the ^English would .have,-„any?fthlrig^particular to,
dg^layjfpfgthat jfespect.; He,was-not, indeed^,%i?Uing t®,
alloy? thpm merit in anyootJher. While the/gterutlemen.of
the Embassy were going' throughth,e>'sev|ra'l buildings»
in-the gardens of Zhe-hol; th^ywef^M^di^f'fhy bppor-
1 unity of -expressing*., through;?, ohybt-y '-to theiropbei
ductors, their approbation of what thiMsaw, wherever*
theyfaunp room for, praise; and th^ysYfdrfel^ertairily not
backward in coneujijmgdn the general afdmiratidn of the;
pieces, of, meGhan^m already»■ menfciqn.fed,. -and wh'mh
formed s part-,of that curious*.and msgfiifieeiit eddhgiSf)
tipn, called Qpx’s Museum, which had; been*made, and
was formerly shewn in London; but the^G^neral, in-
^rrip gw£rpm their,, applause, that th e^ |g b t was novel;
to,them,Hexulting!y ^pxaridod, whether-^ii^i'perform--
ances were to be found in England; $ n d .was. not a little
H h
Visit to -the
VOI*. I I .