jo u rn ey to ‘‘ not pressed for wine, was generally planted onTthe
Chu"sa”'- <f sides ofihe;canals; and as they spread, small upright
§f posts were driven in: the water five on six feet from the
“ bank, b y which means that space was converted into
‘ ‘ a, perfect j arbour, without any experice nftearth, but
“ what- wak immediately about the roots.” Ample"pro-
vision is indeed made for the constant cultivation of the
lands, by the forfeiture of such as are neglected to the
sovereign, who grants them out'anew to farmers willing
to undertake their culture; a" tenure somewhat similar
to that' on which some mines are held in'Derbyshire,
by adventurers in such undertakings,
It sometimes happened' in the route' to Chu-san, thff
the waters of a .higher canal passed immidiatelyüftfo
another of a lower level; and in two instances, the travellers
were launched in their barges with ■ prodigious
-velocity down the stream. This species ofjnavigatiön is
not managed by locks or flood-gates; ' b u t^ d am is made
across thëÓxtremity of the upper canal, by mbans oPa
very strong and well compacted wall, thé» top of-which
is level with the surface of the upper water. A beam off
wood is laid on the upper edge of the wall,' which is
rounded off towards the water. Beyond; the wall a
sloping plane, of stone work, extends to the lower canal,
-in the form of a glacis, with an inclination of about
-forty^five degrees, and descending near ten feet in perpendicular
depth, at the bottom óf which thé canal is
•carried -a^feng^ as the; -lekeld0fi|lk^|cQuiit'ry »wall'. allow: ;
when a n o th e r^ .d l* and^glacis^iliir ^another 'canal still's
£jar ei,eo as . j
In passing from an upper tosa loWi@rf,Qan>al, ;th’e vessel
.lifted j^ l^feh^'fe^^beam sjbidesf%^^Jlb4^tS' ow,m gravity
; and ^^preven.t}tha|^^fe,^feom^ffu^hiing,E0pyer the-
deck-s,'.©r,hervplungingflintojrthestya»faal|^)]e l(^AaWEailing is
fwiedsfefetheihead df.’tlicS'asscli a l - t i i w 1 n,til£tcl; jbej
j ^ ^ w h i c h is placed>istrongj^a$i>|iigulhbfoeTime; 16f its
descent. To4dra^feu^^|la^ge5V^^!^ffpini|t}he lower fcanah
along'-the* ^.aejjjtfefo the upper^Qan^^r^uic«es^6me|!iihes
the .assistance of iaeaiffa. h undfeed smen; whok^strerigt-hD iff
applijedvby the means of ' ^ e ^ ^ T . y a p ^
starfs placed on thdikhnlhients <>ji / h Ij * die g'lfe.
Round the ■ capstans sisia »mm^fof'Wh-leht'Sj& opp©>
site extremityris p^ssed’round tli^ycsfclysJktei n^wifiic.b<ds;
thu^egnye-yed in to n e uppej^anal withjle^fdejjiy,than
can die done by-, locks, bufe|by the ,ep|p§i©io :©£ muefem^|vfei
human force; a force indeed which, rinj]Ghina,kji.^ af-i
ways ready, <of little cost, and eonstantly;pr!eferred there
to.'any other.
This methodo%pfcssi@g from ®,n^ib^rfeil to,^Mg^hdrloven
an incliriedtplane is d elin^tfdd^l weBkdsythatvthrpugh
flood-gates, in the 34th.~plateyof»the J©liidt volume.
1 After the- Ghursan* party Shad* p®d<h§dMfcaJi0.At threef
days, they arrived at the ,tekyoffIloo^hung. w;h:erA$hey
changed their inland; .bsteggjs} f@itjtoksj©,f about' sixty