Return to tunity as ipbsgiMe'sh^M Ije afforded for 'aKyieommu-
■ ■P '-■»■- new. Europeans tkera
Under some 'futile •pretehce rof1 preventing 'th e ' servants
attending upon the former from purloining ariy.ofo't’be
Embassadop’seffietsiefe in his hotel duringjkis ahsenefe,
that missionary alone was perpiihed'to continue‘going
there, whohardbeeh appointed to enquire info the wants
i)f the pferlons remaining beh ind his Exeelljenpyp and to
transa<sf«hy heiesstey business for them^ Theis foreign
dress abo attracte^an' intrusive mab about 1lh’im*#hen-
ever they ventured into thetetty..- ^Theylhad no mandarines
of rank, to’procure respect for thtehias^heydWMt
along ; nor had: they »the benefit of Chihdsefintffl?pretkr4s
with them, to explain any thing-they heard or’saw?.- The
boitedaaibihof their hotel were/howe^pffsd^xtenshae?»
to admit of exercise within its bounds/and to Ip rev ent Jtherh
from suffering under ibeTeelings-of personal eonstfi'aint'.
Several of them also went frequentlyste^^si#inin^iitt%
where the arrangement of the machines, and otheFsiOf
the principal presents, required their- superintendence.
Doctor Scot, who had been left to take care-n fikeveral'‘5©f
the guard and servants that were illy Was particularly
attentive to his patients. Another-csreumstanjBe^ffoisdSil
him also some ©fenpatton. In China, as elsewhere; not
only the wants of man are what excites his ingenukydo
supply them, but his inventions seldom outstep the •absolute
occasion he feels for them. The interior covering,
as well as^e&feioKdress of the Chinesefe generally of a Return to . V ■ ' ' ’ *'■ ' w "' '/ ^ *' . ' ^ ‘r - - Pefcin. dark cf^locik,;not reqBirmg to ke preserved orrbiafeped by —■/
frequent- w ashing; and CQnsiAt%Sometime^ of; materials
that do not admit of such an operation. White garment
of any -kind are^wdfm only /for mourning,, Theae^capnot
be ,,tdo? muoto soiled for the ,<hiquet|te, which excludes
evesfy appearantcOOpf ■ personal, cafe ,0s » orpam’ent ffom
•those? who, ate! be*,overwhelmed w itb (§rae£-
The^dbse-’Aress ,of Eur-hpeans -requires, for 5health> uas
welhasi cleanliness, to be often ^angfidjy bj*t thellopig
manner in which thh, »people of Asia weapftheiricijothgs,
feho it requires frequently: a greater quantity of them to
guard? against the i’nelemencypfii thq weather-,, permits
them to be-worn a longjshvtime» witboBb^nePhvei»en:^
Thqir tables^vhich the varnish always Ijaid upon them
prevents from imbibing moisture,» -or.bemg jbt;jpredr by
dust, " are not covered with cloths. Thtyj|.Spread- T10
sheetsmpon their beds. They have nut adopted thq.we
«frlinen ^knff white cotton is appbedhyimpslihfdhem
to® v e ry few purposes only.. Th e coar^elpthi-^pe^llty
used: by them will admit of being steeped,,in, alkaline
ley, for the .purpose of being, washed,» or fxfeeff-frqtn 'the
impuritiesswhiteh stuck tolit while -.worn*; The alkali
employed for-this purpose,,is a whithifo^il • substance
found in plenty about Pekin; nor» Ida they, in most
cases require any other,, except indeed h r cleansing the
skin, in regard to which the Chinese are npt without