-out ;pf sanbtherddtter fam. feke:Emfiei^m|&3t as hemsant
to resign his crown;in>the hfty-'seYerithiypgj|$É the cur-
•rentYcycl^3:ans wering. to;the1 y earihS) Qi&sof %e Christian
jeralihe should be glad tot sèeisuch Ministerifey'tb^titiipCj
or as sohffilafterwards asyuaiglijhe convMientw Thus the
'uhdertakihg?hut contrary totheprospects whiqh clouded
lils progress j succeeded., at length spoBdidy
in obtaining permission, but tecei>ii*%. an invitation, for_
a, similar/intercourse with the court of, Ghina^whenever
the.Governmcttfe ofdpreat Britain and the Company shall
deem Wx|*adr0Kt hbMeiijw jti
jdThsisg^sfenE Embassador, his suite, and attend
dants i o Europeans i and Chinese. ^ntinuedyAhCantpr
terjhayfo all theirae^pfenEes ctefmyed. bpnhfe Imperial
Majesty.^ k
■ ’This consideration alone would have been.sufficient
to indueeibis Excellency ho remove» to, and. wait for the
departure>bf,the Li°h atiMacaói%ht&e he mightibe supposed
to be óiit b f the Chinese territories,>ankl no longer'
consequently, at the Emperor s charge... The same honours
were paid to the Embassador on his leaving, as hq
had received omhis:arriving at Canton. Thé) attention
of the Viceroy towards him was uniform throughout;
hisrpersonal. regard seemed to increase in proportion to
his . further acquaintaneefwith his Excellency ; as well
as ;the consequent inclination . h e. avowed in favour of
« I
the' EfigMh, '#hosi^nemieslEecame1ie^etlylthb^e' bf the) Canton.
V ieerby^ 1 ik£w®eJ.™
ThoEffibasfad^r^ftoaUdariW fipteh®, Chow arid Varib
ta-Zhin/did ribt^iarit witnbhlrt®rs#¥rbmf hivEx®’&M'8rojy»
arid the ^Iritle^relF'whtof^ aerolHpaiii'ey^hrritaV Wfid' With
w-nomtk'by had?hfebxtImb^S™iWi£e J Thew nad! travelled
togetxreF^ef’^evefal months, ^ndtHF8pghfe>el^^Vb£^!ore:
mariTftgeh h'undrlllwilbsV» During that ftmdith^Ilfy'e'd!
together 'asTamiliaTlyh^ doidiaflly f ahd1 thb* two’ 'mandarine!
Mbk3a? Mvel^fri' iA\er^M!#ri^bvei^ilv^t>OT'rihe Em-
basSy'/as th(|sri%|ulM do^hWbMb n g r id l Af t e r th e ir'
^paf^f t ibn; tset fWacfe bthbr■ n&We#,d'fe"tflamiftar'ineiS
sebr^$n-jvbbard thlMLiori preterits bf^eftbsmri'entljbaSadt
otherJlittle -toxal^b'f remembranbh" andWe^ardr n
The ErtibasSfaV1 iri’mssing^by^fhe'fertS wMfctewe^up-
pofced to * comm arid th d^phSWgfc* bf.thlwivlfrbtb Mababj
^ercgivdd>hhWltKey^wW,e'%eaff lysin'thb'¥fia£© "dfescribed
byl)tne advent-Ufhri^Trigli’sh in 1$He ''beginning« of ‘ this
Wbrk'VTrit-^daf^ wa^nowl hesfdeSybbd
served) afeng‘ithV'<6$s?efn b an t o f the Kiarig-hb'. ■! In ge-
rier<!alya 'g'fseafdfi ritimberibEtioops'- than iri Wrfy'of the'rin-
Igf'iol''provinces,trWdrie ^tiarfered through 6u t~‘ t H e')frbritie$
prbviribe oPCarituririhs cfgbfidfa-l TOba'shre bf'pi'fcvihktibri
required by it&'sSfbatibn,‘^'rid 'dri' ordbribo awe’tn& fb1
reigridrSdfdni'different bburitrite» whb'^e|fertfed fb'its'prin-
Th 1 Effiba ssttdhr with