and the; desire of perpetuating the stability' add uniformity
Of their .government, ’has directed them to Ah
choieWrif A®ir successors; with a view to effectuate this
purpose with the greater certainty. The present Emperor
determined some time since'.upon a measure,
which might not be attended with a similar con'sequence
in other countries ; that of resigning his crown at ai^e-
riod, which, though at that time distant, hI:s!Yi|«bus
■constitutioti rendered i t probable he should: survive1;
thus enabling him to place beyond risk, the:a:Geessiomdf
him whom he might appoint to beMiis h e ir; and;.whom,
whether hi® sdmby nature or
filial piety, which in China, are not to be shkhe&e^pn
b y a. throne, as well as those o£ gratffude {andfaffectipp,
would engage to follow the example arid 'adyiceicf )his
predecessor. And it is likely, that Ghen^Trin^ wff| h f ^
had;the gratification of enjoying in another, :tb^d:rgnify
and power he has commUMcateff te^Mm/lpiAorit being
himselfdeprived of either.
Of the Several sorisof theEmperdr;;-®!^
alive, the eighth, the eleventh, the'fi&eerith, - andseven-
teerith:. The eleventh beirig Governor of Pekin, continued
there during his •fathers absence. 3 The others
-'were at Zhe-hol; of these, the two youngest were
understood to be the most promising. They Were
likewise courteous in their mariners, fond of‘acquiring
information about other countries, arid’curious In examining
the,-inventions arid improyOment imported froni Visit, to the
| Emperor’s r "*ƒ$ ]T v i f mb j
Thje Emperor’s g l^ ^ g e 'n p longer.'permitting him tp
folfovrieh©{-gtfiat, jehasej,of y i^ ^ e k s ^ , in, fche,forests{ of
Tarthry, as he h a d j b j e e i f c t o » > d o j ^tejEfthejcelei-
bratem bf T|si^MfAda^^^jdfej|ejgirin^d»,on *h%speedy
®e&ririnto Pekin, and it iwasdsOttt'led thgt thefEmbassa^dr
should precede him thither . -
Before his Excellency'’s departure fro'm ZhqAobhe
-receivedian answer,,through the Legate^■h’ptm fl9f;chphrig-
taung to the' hitter,.fie had .sent'L'Somc^tjmfe, bogre, ari-
bofincinfclto him,ithat\t$i® Hiridp^tan s.hould-^^o^riiih’
teff tb'sell gbcMs and punchasd.piod,uee,a t Chu-san,, under
the" aiispiccs o f '£liev principal"mai^larirtqs|fwho' should
guard against any frauds thatffifgni be a'tfeemptUfby the
natives ; and mbreovrir, that a-sAsne* had come*oMjladen
in yrea^^^me^sure1 with preseritsi f°r the |p&p®¥or, ‘she , ’
{Mould be 'snbjlcc to" rio cEuties on her return, which was
alboon,that!hadJnat j^eta^retfefested; butfl^feit y^a^in-
convenientfto suffer Captain Mackintosh t o - g ^ t this
time $0 join his ship, the’ bvfsijtfess Of which ipust, jcpjji?-
.tinue to be done by thetj&e'oble'^whom she.^y^s then
This answer was, more-,fei^urable than wW^^fepted
from the. channel- through Whi^Mit ca^e,,j^x?teept as to
the latter clause, which was owing-,prpbablyijtpf-jthe jre-
monstrafapes of th& Thibet General, ^P^msgquqnce“Of