Departure Embassy had passed'tefcne on the Bagnifiteptr causeway
kaHing from the capital, that n o n f^ h the individual
belqiiging ^ suffered from the p re s su re ^ the* cfd'Wds
which were assembled on it. It did not^h-t^eyer1, -i,re-
quire the presence off strang&iste;filfcdns.fahtl.ystha^g!F&at
avenue,-3 Besides the multitudes employed in supplying
Pekin or‘drawing supplies from it, .the many attendants
upon men in officeicsorting to or quitting iyandstht.slow
processions, particularly .of funeralsi;Joccnps^dqft©n Ahe
wholebf that broadiroad. - No person is'allo\yed toibe buried
within the c ity ; and*the 'cerempmi‘es pfinterring.'
dead, seems? to throng theigkesas much as thd^upply of
provisions for the Jiving-; Whate^ertoe the- rartbqgfc-
tuneofa Gbinesein a private!station, he maUfesihabitually
no parade, or show^ reserving his principal exphnceefor
solemn festivals, or particulapevents arisingJindffls fa*-
mily. T te d d ss of a parent, is, in the .mariners3o& «hi
country[certainly the greatest. The sentimenbip^^fec?-
tion and respect* toward such whilediving, is'nod suddenly
extinguished in the breast of {b^.survivors. Tbfe
heart is indulged,' and‘in some degree con soled,djy p ay ing
superfiuous devoirs to the manes of the .deceased.
The dictates;Of nature in this instance, are -.confirmed
and enforced by the moral laws which govern the empire.
Every;institution tending to maintain the habits
of duty on behalf of the offspring towards their progenitors,
is sanctified into a precept not to be neglected but
lat’^heMperildQfs'beipg vi^i^mouscPiThpdipst' procession Departure
.which, fch‘is{»da^gima'§ tpTpGe^ejAbpJse^ftaf per? ========
f©’rmers^n/solermafmusi4rlthhn^follo|i^a(ya£ae6^yO'f in-
'tsilkerriiEO'fpttisImnd pamtedibqardȤ with
diey ice^aBdicha^dfepl^dsji^ll^^gmhe1 ra-nt-aird ‘offidh of
^tai-who wispdo Ip p fe Imm'edmtel^'jbefore '^b^ipfrpS’ei,
■the p'malfurhlationsf 'walked; eacbdsbppoy&’d ~by'friqrfds,
^ch^pied^indphevpiitingstkem it fr®mf rgi vi^^wafy. tohthe
^qe^@|Srand^es(ffava'gaja'ee|[pf%tteff>etd>f'^rhir0h,uthe i'p-
pearanceqof ■ thei^fc^i^ienan^k^imllliedsthat- thleyttVfef &
prone. Oyer; thetmourners wore,ca^Hsd^dmbrellas with
deep-cjirtaihs hangingifrcM'rtKej ffd^SSS« Several pOfsOMf
fWj^p?cmployed'mlhuM*,circuraf pieces, of papfer,* covered
[chiefly with tinfoil,' tas>the^ra|sed>b)gihfeyi8igigrrfu^50fe
and tempiSs.: These ]pieGe#fih theipopular.opinitm;' life
the coin'to Ghar6nfor.beingcdr£vhyted4o>the<ELysiaia‘<fields,
are ^understood? todJe:>ebn^f|i;bie? inithbcnex-t ’stifgqjliofrm®-
istehce, fntcuthe meansof providing’ the tfe^esJdrie| ofthak
new life-. , Notwithstanding the phal©sophidalfl'jdpeirines
of the learned1 Gfi-nese, which exclude>ail motions un'coh-
sonant to reason» .as well as the^reallfMpf all! beipgSmo&rd-
ferahle to the senses; they often ^iiltl^dn pr.aeti'ep^dldhfe
current notiorisMf the»-weak and v-digaift Thespteople,
among ofeheK^uperstition&O are5 p^rticularly<i|wpMbfe!
about the time andjplaoe* of? buryingtheif '-dvaii.' 'The
delay .occasioned hfefdre those 'difficult, poirils laue1 ascertained,
has often lohgeddfoiiied;fhercOffins o f the rich.