.-From Pekin
: f jcqen».
sexes, even'to cage's confining insects; sUdh as thejnoisy
cicada, and a large species of tbergryi'lus.
Bet wefcri- Hai-tien and Yuen-min-yuen, wfectli^villa
Mtaidld. f e 'th e Embassador and’ hi]?-suite; wfe^h'wai
an inclnsiire'bf, atdeakt, twelvettiiiiSI ^ It c01:®i:i#ed; a
;garden laid out in' serpentine walk's, a Vivulet Winding
round?an island, a grove of varicSSS^ereds1 iriifetspersed
With-patches diigMM ground, and diversified Vitri artificial
inequalities, and ‘tricks rudely heaped upOn each
other. The-buildingoin: this place chffife'tefe-0?f'§i^ra'l
separate pavilions, erected round-small coUrt-s.' The
apjarknents werejhandsome, and ndt il'h contrived. Sef
Veral of them were adorned with"landsca|jfesf paintech in
water-colours. The - objects appeared ^o Vne fcotredtly
drawn ; nor were the rules of perspective unattended
to ; hut what instantly shewed them1 to tevtke Works of
^hiiiiSt« artists, Was thejtptaiJ^ |l h c t ’,'df4light ariiLshadet
A lake was represented-^' with tfeesVirid d&ufes'Ueafit;
almost on every side ; «but a Chinese’Would c©n%ide$4t
as a blemish,-to render the shadow of any'df thpsWobjects*
> perceptible ;u n -’t|^rwaiier.?^®is^|te©' haditbesii
inhabited by Embassadors -from foreign5 courts, or man*
dariiriei’-of rank from the distant provirieiiTf wMifeithf
Emperor was at the adjoining palace; but had been flow
empty for some time, and wanted repairs.
Between the governor of that palace and the. Embas*
Wftdoii, diilplimentsiof! civility wfere immediately interchanged;
« and t f e fó tó e r de^iredl to take1 the-dopinion of
the lattetf asloHhe nfost- advantageous distribution* of the
presents in ê n d e d tö b e ‘left?-there. It- wa’$<- decided that
the prin cip # ^Eticl'éèïSh'Ould^he pfeced- on ie&hi*sf«fó‘ of
thé Aroheldn one o fitte HUils ofaudj^rioel rTbbodfisidê’
óf this-ball had a|riiaghl'fi*d&bka?ppeafaU(lé:. 'fedVppróacfe
fó/it Wa*^hroit|‘»&^quadtlf^uila%*e^%ls,?^urtO,ufided( by
buildm^fl'sepa-rateds,.fE®.ai\ Id wdsi>eï£eted'
upon W-platformi gffgTa^te, EÉfsêddaibodofo-df»fcê tsabdve
tKedeVel* of the bourt bêfi$$yrifr. lès was
^ppoxted^upo^two rows of larf eSwooden' ^columns, the
’ sha^s^of which ''weretpaintecb-redy and? varnished;§and
thó Capitals;.ornamented t .with5- vaJiousbscrolJ’s* arid'idW-
Vi^SfS) in. vivid Volonkln^ | | par(.itecda,ri^. watte^IragöfiS^
w fe ^ ) ftthjwe®êl armed with, fivfel olawsiffeïéh'.! < Dragons
Jua$|?be miarked ori tho-bdihces- and furniture of;,thk*
prjiiigffeof *ttó Emperoris^feouri, but With four 'claWsTÖtily
to thgi© fee^ouhe^-.fifth^s}des^Evech for his Imperial Majesty
;alone. A net oTgMt’wirexJstkreélypyfiEiptiblëV’is
Y uen-min-
■ yuen;* *'vr
Spread oyer the :wfiplei:eritflblature ’of the buildmgpföt
pBeycnj; birds: from «testing aPondan thje projfedtirfg'
points; of whichradgreat number- out in a?
regular, order?. The Kai^êk&eeik; in' th e i i^ |# r?' One him-
d'r'-edf,%6t in leh^th; ini breadth it is UpwaUd# óf forty,
and-in height above twenty feet. Between-the innerYow
óf columns -on thd.sbuthern' side weré.pannete* fheWhölëy
or an y p art of which, mi^Mfbe kept 'open,: or- shüt, *kP ■
:i'. VOL. II." ' - R