ft 'yws ift most places* shalMwi rthe Wffies
lucid,* and the bottom gi»y®Uito iVaiti-gwar^'Ol pJfeasuB©
bp2$£ wese sailiiii^pa it»; Thepasties een^stod^enrflely'
of meni thewomen t® th ^ p if t ,of |h@j^MH||p| n d t ape
pcaying on su.oh pucj§ipB§> Tils lake formgdi aih^autlfnJ
sh ^ g o f wates, about three m four ®iie&indiamfct^;tod
giirTQjiind^d tq the m m eaatr and south, by a® ampbii
^hea^e 9,f pict®r^^itp mftUMaiMi hfWifthl thfe'baserM
^he. wapgia of the l^ ^ h f n s i r a Q i ?
Ig^ j groiinjd |p j | huffoEUf in k pfeftS^f;r^fe4hitahte to
the fhMtWfc It ornamented» with apdsgats
dsfi&pf naa^dapiives, 3s well as a palace beMwgingto the
Emperor, together w ith totnples, monasteries for tlie Ho-
ihattBg ®r priest? Fq, and apHi»he® ef hgkt awd fanffih
fuf st^pe bridges that ^tre throw© ae#ss;4iM;3Pmsfef:blaie
lake, as it runs, up, into the deep, glens to meet :febe; jsills
Whtoh 9P ^ feppij th& sidogtof the mnuntai»%ff Upon the
sim&wh kho, were erected pagodas, oppiff whi®h attmefo
pd particular attentions., It was-situated ehnibii#eK§aPf
a bold peninsula fcha&jM? into th e lahe, and waiS*e^hbd
the Tni-fpppg«t^j U¥ to*nple of the Thundering Wi®|I'Si
The p$rty pagsgdu?d§r it upon the lake sojrapMlyrthat
po acepf^Je dratSying cppld betaken of itA hut the sketch
ip plate 41 gf the folio velume, will'show that the style
of axchitofittoe & different from that in general used
throughput the country- Four statie*. were ypit Standing,
hut th,e top W?S in rpipSj.. Something like a regular-order
that pro- Han-chePr
Jtebtoikkia.'aî-kkid o£ doubl'd cuawe. -and ■ > « •»
naisses iweré/g^eWipg upon thèml. No iY<y,; the, natural
prOid^tiohftBfi such a place in Europe, was - pgfcgei&pd'
Upon«1 it ; BOBj iadaedi, imanyothef part lOf China. -The
arohesi^icl mon Mings were of red, the- upright walls 1 Of
yèlfow • stonp-.. : =Its; present heigh f does> inotley peed one
hundred and tvjreM^fd'et. It is confidently, asserted to
hâ-v©'h©eniepecte'dim the dnçe,of'Gtmfuciu% upwards of
fc\y©i''m‘©«saf)ffi )leaiis rag®.' j
Within the woods., :‘on the brQW of tfeMIhs atMflhdh#
valliÊs^werëiseYhralyhousand tombs, generally-.built ip
thodchtoj of small houses, about six or-eight feet high»
palhhêd^mosrfy blue, and .fronted with white p i^ r ^ a n d
fahgidfeiiethe .form of a pigmy fetr^ot:*- The tpmbs of
péÿketosBof ^Çhih^k;w^fé situated,; apart, on the>$lQpg
of hills, o n të f^ c ê sé f a sfemicircukir forp», *aiod support?
ed by; breast-walls; of:.stonel>andi<foors of filack marble,
in ^ ifo ed whhi’fehet names, ^ualitiejsjf 'ansd yirtu^SiiOjjilthc
deceased, atîfengthdfjandîoftentiràlèà obelisk? wffe.crgptpjd
upon the terraces. - Those monuments, of departed
n is i AI#!suirmàndéd by trees,, such as différent ^pepie^.ojf
the cypreSs^^WhoseAddep. and melancholy?]},Ue »‘.souris, tq
My© pointed them ewery whero,oufc, ,a&
seemed of woe ; the: churchyard, yaw did not, ftoW^yeFi
kf4-v#ithfeÿe/nor'was it ohseyvedi in any pa^t}§,£.|C|iiiw‘5
büt a1 species of weeping thuya, <&vdigw#ti vitoe-, with