Journey to
pdmWhich - testesjshowe ver,’ fh«§f&Kraé$ë icannot* be
sadldsJto be altogether singular, :asnarlaKge Caterpillar- that
deed's up©n:?àÿ;palm is. accounted -a^ delicious morsel in
some partsiofdhe Wést Indies.' | :
river,^lfaojGame!So that of Yangêtfe-hiang^sbl^h&^öBfe
sidered upon theiwhafatdequab- if not to exceed, in sMe’
thfe former: Ihwas abtliis- plaeb about twb(miles*wMe'.-'
Thfe sourcesîof this river'kre .amongst thenàm&$ÈëiÈgë
eh mountains from wherifcè^he Yellow rivers ru^haM:d
which it*afreiwakis'approaches in btjepart withTfevh-fy
few miles.
■ ‘ * The Yangstse-kiang,’- as Mr. BarrOw^fefomij^pe^
‘■‘insisted dftwodistinct branches, whicteseparâfeiïfigsfrôm
Jfèîsarifr other about ei^tymiksv'frö^d»a^|>kr#l#?d®i
“ «gestion to the southward,'for the space mite's,'
‘Cartd then unite between•-the^tweMy^sixSth^nd^Went^L
^^-séventk degrèésçjôf north latitude, jilst^afrfeh
Varies/of the two provinces* of Yunnan and i&i'Ohue®':
“ Then striking off-to the' horth-ga^,''rdiifectl^MiW^h
“ the latter-of these provinces, collecting 'Waters -of the
“ numerousrivers that descend towards itffroftl that add
“ another province 'called Quöe-choo ; it eOtetiMpPiS*-in
‘ ‘ thfo direetion about six hundredtniles, arid then enfcers
V -the provihce'of Hoo-qUmgjin the .
:Wfoffoorfch latitude* Through this last proviiieeit takes
V:a- serpentine, course, and feceivéS the waters of the
Viseveral lakes with whidi|i this pact; o f - the «cohnfcry
^ abounds. Leavipg^UqO'quanjg'itpassesubetween the fee..
t‘ province, of .Honan ?and Kiang^p^a^’d,. .withna Aiftle
“ inclination fromtthie» eashtjQwdrds^themarfth., its?
“ stream.'glide&amoothly through thelpfovipsMfoof Kiangr
“< nan, andiis .disembogued into the sea which bounds.
“ .China! toithe east, in the thir|)^fl4^^te^§f^'©f north
gg latitudes, / The- distance. frhniUthen(ge^'|0, HoQ-quaqg’,;is
'&-$baut eight hundred • miles,-, which makes^theI whole
length of the'river about two thousand Two.hundred
“ miles. The current- wdtep.e .p£the'EmbaTsg?y
hi passed it, dijdnot ex'e#‘d in theistrohg^fepart two miles;
| | but it was much deeper thantheYellowf river*.;” Thus
theseltwo greafeChineserrivers, taking tbpiftsbrasnce« in the
same mountains, passingsdlmosh (cfok;,t@ie^K«0it’beiniSh a
particular- spotilseparating .after.w,ajrdbdromieaokloifejs to
the distance iof fifteen i degree^of latitude, finaHjst.d'is.^
charge themselves into the same sea, within two* d&grees
of each other,- comprehending within then grasp a.tract
of land, ofrahove a thousand miles HnS length, which they 1
contribute generally to fdrali^andt'enrich, thofeby extras
ordinary accidents occasioning unusual torrents.^ they
may ;d©i injury in particular instances.' -Thi-sdract includes:
the -principal portion ofcthe'iGhineget.einpireriiii
ancient times'; and-|i|shi>n- that part of the temperate
zdnij which in Europe as welfr&s Asia, ><has been the
scene where the most celebrated, characters haste existed;,
VOJL» If;. 3. E