Pekin. t;er:uf .indifference. .«His whole ooriénct^eetned taundiw
eatiiamind! agitated with apprehensión lest the^@Mnese
should begin (to entertain a higher ideg flrthe prowess
Éf0the English, nation thampf hisijawn. The former, indeed,
very.-.eotdiallyradinired a (vasUivariety^fatutipfi^
either brought forrpresents, or destined foil tóe ftufeiiff
th e several persons.
playédibothl to gratify the curiosity' of the natiygs^eknd
with awiew to spread a taste -far British manufactures,]
Móst.:óf: the utensils i in common Englando'dere^
iajfeedjf likewise used and made in China j .bunapfepor:,;
generally, in quality and neatness; -English hardwfip-
Wasyè^ily sohght afteri; and whenever in. .the-Jconalse
of time thé East India Companyjsi ships shattihaveifree
agfrfss to the port of Tien-sing,; th e demand; for.tfoef^aai-:.
nufactures of Birmingham. and Sheffielddwill be>Y^iy3
much -enlarged,- for.- thé; supply of Pekin alone.
This capital bears not incize the saiffe'proportion .to
the rest,of China,§that:London does to Britain.Kt^Che
principal part of it is called.the Tartar,city-,^frdm the
circumstance of having been laid .out-anew in, the;thirteen
tbicentury in the time of the first Tartar dy®a$ty .<wlt
is in/fbe form of a parallelogram, of which th e four, walls
fa<?êthe four cardinal pjoints. .They include an raie^'iof
about fourteen .square; miles, in the centre.;of which, is
the impiEial palaeeyi Occupying within tbnkyellqyyi wall
at least one square mile. The whole being about one third
U#fgercthan^hohdo'n dnltts^resent extended scaler, where* Pekin.
:^sfl(?I^Kfi|t'efenyati:ieifen4) prdrvifcteestof f&ihra^ independently , i
oMkl^kist' feefessioff of fe^rifery*ffhm*t>he gpeatwaM t® the
neighbourhood^©fi£the4Cas|liari!<'sea'hifeea!r af proportion? to
tel the' southemtrwalho'f the! TMrtlr* ciflyaist another called«;
th^iChideSte^dity. \ Here-m’ost Of tb.4
peopdelddg© wh <^<£®m'e*o eelDs i On illy tupombusdfnpss. from
the provirices^o I the CapitalI I Its Oralis* -which afe greatly
ini ;de%ayyt'kidludfe • lik<p^is v*lryi eO'risideikhte.spaGeJ
about nine square* miles .0 - A ishiall' paqtsf'onlyyri However;
i®.0©enpsied^by building^whiehv^kindifferent',SG£Fowded
an # irreg u la r|' the«rest rs^ertipty;tandtadpbrt.of it in i&iil- ,
friyatroriv Within this ehmp^SsfeKife.heen' raisedithe sim-
ti‘c^Ha^'.Q&iemvri!enmwfr.verterablb-agrfaultUristst| Thithef
with atticient Osalje^guesi through? thenefefeanbh^of directing^
ithdiiS own harid t-heKplough,'; through ait small
husbandman. After,his Majesty has.-dirfected that, in-?
Miument-foe? about ran hour, • -a; group dir p3easaritsi chant-
ihgpatithe?! samei time1, I tou^id him^hymns ‘iff? praise*of
husbandry,- theiprincesra-Bhisi'eourt andigreat'qffiheis.of
state, following^his.'example,-.andtakingijthdjpfeughfhy
turns, makerseyehal -fuirowfa in his? presence;.?, They
arief-aff/jasi ■v^eihal! thff Emperor- hfimsobiw'elofhediaffthe
g^rb befitting tkeiftnewj;®pQupa,tiQnk8 The!,produce of