to For fine linen, however-, this
— alkaM&of;the Chinese is| toé acrid, and speedily destroys
its texturehTo;correcttbi%ill quality, Doetór>Scot turned
-artist, and; h a ving • proEU red a sufficient proportion g&f
for thesrionsumptior® of.his companions andJiimself. ;
• It is likely that the* general «use *eJ*>linen;,:to which
Europe is supposed to- beü.indebted-;ipr - its- présent e x emption!
dfrOm< leprous affections,.: wil 1 hefridopled«ibjy
the Chinesfe-y in the cémrse; of the-k-
and connections with Europeans, Eeprous3dis0rders,are
in C h i n a , t h e principle of ihebsbeing too
to admit- of persons afflicted with them bavin g$$<y icqptr
muriieatipn with the;jestiofsociety. ; .
The article of soap will, pTobabtydsoónifoÜo^-that ©f
linen, as a necessary appendage.-: The^.i^|jfedÉ?nj:&Joj
making- icarid-iriost other aiiicles demanded.&r:!th%iUSe
o f the -English Embassy s were furnished a&sfeh^ qftffffrfrjP
©f the Chinese- government. It was, hoMeyer^ necessary
to be very particular in explaining the;use.and oeba&i©®
o f them to the mandarines.,: TheAeque|tLina^ÉifQithejns
tho never, in- wordsi refu&edv wasi not, alwiays complied
with in fact. Sometimes- also, an alarm was-faken by
them, as if some improper.purposes werérintendiedtOibê
effected by what was calledfor./ One of .the painters of
the Embassy once wished to have an easel or stand for the
fratnef^cafevay;'On-'which he meant to draw the portrait Re»m to
oPa mksfriri'iryl / Thri^fealh’dariries1 \nrifc’ ‘comprehending .
the'ndtuÈö®f,alïJ|fasril^sïmfMtias’ it sebméd, and probably
appreheridirig that it 'mlghcbe^è^êfpart*! bf a mathe-
riiatiirril^afipafatris, for'^ilf pu-rji1©'^ bf making military
plans or measurements^ oi^fèfk takiégrisk'etdhesriof thë
fortificatidns"oirir-atopaf ts tefl the féapitabiïeould not be-
persuaded') tb<^fve -diteritirinsjifèr making IstfteSh: kn< in*
stririifëritori Sprite*-individuals -öf-1hekErribass^tedshedito
procure wbat-th#yi Wdnted-a^their (Own- expeh-ete^but
they*. Were41 fiarrowly’wafeched, the prices óf thé1 ar tidies
i>etu rrised - »to • tiriem i > and'' corpbral ,punishment*4irflicted:
on thdse’ who'sold them. Hospitality!to strangers* ■ detl.
mariding that Öb^y^shouM be friridifromal'hliatóF^s^ was
indeed' fhëftbsÊensible'>*gtÖund for« this- 3dv&f&^f£$#tho■ it
appeared n o t tö-'be^aikbgét^ef ^hn'èonnèÓfièd'^ydth -aJ'sy^-
teril of precautions'dietite^byijfealbusyr. " '
'f'To this political a'ndpr'ejüdice'dqealo'dsypwas added,
thoivery innocently onsthferpattof thds'l whö’gaverisè
to'it, a jealousy^and alarm'of anothdftfeind. In."-oriöof ’
thitïi^éÈSïtof thé Embassado'ri’^hotëlj ^ë'rei-Tbkks' Artificially
iheaped uptin the ChiïteStï tasièiilh^ way-'of'dd1^*
corationParid'owhich'ïseHe-d, tho^nOPintended for*'such
nsi, asristeps to the top of the-wafl surrounding the whdle
iriéléSiifèl From thence oMidf sometime#,b«y-j§&?è*éivfe*dV
the’femalè inhabitants of the neighbouring houses. It
was said, that in this manner a few ♦persons belöngih^