journey to satisfy, their- appetites. And-e*fep<*he vermin thaUpkef
fop. upon, uncleanly persons, kaYe bem' known .toiamWeds«#
prey in then turri to them-
Water fowl mrimnch sought after; and MWtaken upon
tke Wee-ehauiig^hoio lake by a particular devidsc Empty
jars or. gourds are suffered' to float about upon the water,
that such’ objects may become familiar to the birds. jThe
fisherman then wades into the lake with one of tupse
empty vessels'upon his head*, and- walks gently 'to*
wards a bird ip and lifting-up his arm,'draws .It^te^OT!
below sihe tSm-faed of the water without any fietufb^
ance or- giving alarm to the rest, several of whom he
traits, in the-same manner, until fee filll flh#1tog^he'*h£<f
brought to hold liis prey. Theico^ntrivance itself is not
so singular, as iri is that* the same exactly should -have
occurred' in the new continent, as'liillba* Ossete, ito> the
natives of Carthagena, upon the lake Gieneg® db’Teslas,
Individuals often earn a; livelihood; ihsGhina; fey mean®
which, would i not answer to fee adopted1 on aj largest scald,
or with a view tu ae<juire considerable profit. But sieh
men have no. conception of any thing beyond" a moderate
subsistence. The spirit of gain, by working on an
extensive plan, and by new methods, for supplying muh
titudes with a particular article} is not prevalent afriorig
the Chinese^ unless in large or maritime*towns. Some
there are, however., in almost every village, who seek to
accumulate wealth by taking advantage of the wants- of
the people roundi them.: SHdps 'for lending riioney njabn
plsffgë^tofe common every whores Very higft interest
Upon luâhs .ife allowed ’fiy.PlaWi Thenprâetioe of such
loans- iMpîies cbrtainly gtèat rfflptbviderieedn! (fee mul-
titu d e, o r ' iff the SUéce&kof. their pursuits
1 -‘The' facility of Culture; and thë abundance« of
th^ctiops', wbemhP calamity intervenes?,* enables their in.
many plaoesatosbear such? .burdens^tlloc-ofteniia/Hli’vèry
In Sbftië pa:rts àdjtewimg toi thë can^I,titht, la:fees and
motâ^UéS1 render©! rbukivatifori. almost rmprajetembie;
AMoïfg those?; wherever a idry spot waif found, i& ya l
covered ivithf ttieÉs: mnd cottages^ thb; nrhabifeints of
whiteh supported themselves chiefly by fishing**; and
thé heighboisrhood o f the banal enabled ithlem tb exr
ï>&Éiigéî à patt fefi the fis h the y ®ah!g-M to* sup ply th eir
other Wants.-
Suéh üncuMVàred swamps- were soon succeeded by à
eduntry i the- feed of whitshwas beautifirHy diversified with
ffohjplains,1 small knoll®', arid rangés of rising grands,
brbkeri'Jwithitn ahemate suecsssion rif hills and1 vailles,
iri thifekly Mteéspérsed.
The pppulaëôtï^as croWdedv atad cultivated.
Sri the fieMshvete' covered With the ricixiUs, from
fhê- kernels Pf WhlUe frriit tte^astob or palma Ghristi
bil' is'extfaeted inf®he: West Indies for medical purposes;
but in China it is rendered’esculent and palatablfe ;■ and*rs
J^trriKy to
Han-choo- f<S0t