j^mey t» disposition in them to .harass their ..poorer, neighbours
with vexation^ suits; but. it tiseasserted- that, in ^facb,
m o n e ^ k th|^grand instrument.ofedepisiam in thexGhir
n es& tourts, which«gene raily find'reason, at the. bottom
of the longest purse.. The dispensers..^, justig^. are nqt
placed in China above temptation,- by the'amount- of
their salaries, which would render, thé .aocept^ncte./of
presents asunnècessaiy/as they are.improper.
The influx of silver from Europe intojChina, witfiin
a century has occasioned, a.great increase in. the, gricg.
df all articles .of consumptions and has. altered tjieqjro^,
poxtion between the fixed salaries of thei^eypral officers
of government, and the usüad expehce.s ófitheia®f£esp,gc&
tive stations. The ancient missionaries mention, in they;
accounts, the extreme cheapness of livin,g: at that timé inr
China ; but many of thefeeóessaries.of life, are not ‘ nov?
fewer than in England.
An occasion happens of partiality in all ^differences
between Tartars and Chinese, when it could séa<reèly b,e
expected that the balance of justice would ber held ;with
an. equal hand between the conquerors and the., con 7
quered. This inconvenience is little felt,howey©r^in
the southern provinces, where the travellers were, now
pursuing their route. Few Tartars-:were. ;to be .found
there except*, suclv as filled considerable employments,
whose leaning towards individuals of their own nation,
there was consequently but little opportunity, of betray*
T i r e S ' n<oLv*f.u$p1H ; a si®glfe^Ed-isfaf seftled Journey, tp
in n#^abfimrM»o1d ^ f -Koap g - s ' ^ a d - ' ■ -
hm^of'thel^^tlfe^^^ef^iiae^siie travellers dbffffT day.
Tlfeiifcigfefe^uiskg^o^ tryr4^Sin^ measure,*
and ‘oiififelfte^^iefly mills
x’ddufc^d^^o «flour ih:4t^(^ M^ji^efet'han to^tH^<at^tfe
■^rd-s w h e r e s p c h ■
pebplfe rwe^a|s©>jgfh^)I^i|rd**ilff fisBi^Sakd^b^T^btiiily
g$$a ta lfe k l^ ^ fe h ieh
af^thi^&asop^l^rip'eeapdybfe'gihnirig' fcqj‘ei|p.knd lilfetbe
%4rhppt^oHprs,*- taking 'afxefi1l|p^ai4i'#et-to' the ioortRv
<ri b f
fet©"- ;th a t'^ 'e a t*f5x fl'a%^Hdfss^k rrip'^'Mifd,' ,'ifi^h &
fe&ifen of 'vfat&fP^tb in then^^ii^sell|^emikibns!P Forth^
distanee^of’ some indeed^ ox^b'^k,f'¥alM^o,i’dit,t
$iS§sfiace4of th^l|j'uh(sr.y,afev®pffe; w il d j-apd^Sniils^sva s i^
cpy;erb'd^wit,h reed^f-and i»rushe®,?knd I’pfrirely in'uridalfed
for;a part’ of the ybSib.: tNot^kt viM'a^fiS^'fe^hfeHesn ;'j niff
ahytrace&rbf habitati^fevisiblte,fi^ ^ l|)b 'ill'QWrand then;!#
feeari and' sdlitary 'h^f^brrthe^esid^ft^^^^l^lfmiaft'/'
Th esd Wret4h.edffeeipgs. -subsist)) by-^sfiirfg^a#Sil^!r¥i‘s in g
vegetables oh hPrd 1 eg#Ofi bambobi^s-tM:|pupon Itarshpff
or"floating upbfi^#h@;s1 r-fepe. bf thb-twaterblV)