Visit tq-tke
' After these ceremonies were . over, some Hindoo embassadors
from Pegu, and Mahometans from the: neighbourhood
of the Caspian, were' introduced to the Emperor
on the right hand side of the throne. They .repeated
nine times the most .devout prostrations,, . and
were quickly dismissed.. The English Embassador, and
the, three persons who accompanied him, were then
conducted to .cushions, on which they.. sat to th e .left
of his Imperial Majesty. The princes of the Imperial
family, the chief Tartar tributaries, and. highest
mandarines of the court, were seated according to;their
ranks, nearer to, or farther from, the throne. His Excellency
was placed about midway between it and the opposite
extremity of the tent. A table was laid for every
two guests. As soon as all were seated, the tables were
uncovered, and exhibited a sumptuous banquet. The
tables were small; but on each was a pyramid of dishes
or bowls piled upon each other, containing viands and
fruits in vast variety. A table was placed likewise for his
Imperial Majesty before the throne; and he seemed to
partake heartily of the fare that was set before him. Tea
was also served. The dishes and cups were carried to
him with hands uplifted over the head, in the same
manner as the gold box had been borne by the Embassador.
An attentive consideration of those ceremonies, which
have thus the appearance of being meant only to mark
the prodigious distance between • the! Sovereign and his vsit. to.tHs
■sSËjéefei in a- monarchy ^lfe^ithekfe^pplnte, has iinme- cote*- ,
times. Ifedf’to ai ëffidj'èctüTbs t h n o t ' bripfoally
devisedi'hor HaviBï]^^bèon'ÊMé:edsfl(^'beê^aatvêd^fd®t'hè
sole- purpose êfó^asMéktibm .* Itsis)%Kvic^fs; ’ tha&dnringE
thé perfbtmarrce "of .them * ^re^ysMFüeWaqitófsWatóas; Well
aS-implysa^morali -ineqnatóty^d^feeéi^ feenpamt^crequirj-
‘idgfjfdtid him ywfro< payïs,i4#6'h5hpmage. The fêrmefchtkó
superior to all openJjatacèj may yet be wmfëorpu’S o f beings
Habib* to private Itreachery?'^ andd eheisus|)t®ioTas mind;
V/bicH>lreqtteW[^5 -accompaurek^llbumcted/ powerdmay
have: suggiesied. stich jnecautidhSis^Biiakt the daterit ami
dfesperkteid^ig.ns of individuals admitti® 6© appn^rchthè
person wh#p©sl^^ses it. The^prdstfalibns/sfhebneéKng;.
the hands'upliftefdf.^h®v;é'ithe?4teSi^ GefetaitHy .' femlllf
attacks less’practicable' ;fröm*.p,ebp'l%in\lj]|Ws®p'dlïufes{l
A chidu'mstahcëoitot'ttósiTemarkklIlèllÉtanlihiêfs'e'iicerigf '
monies, -was. the solemnity and sËehr^’la;pproa,ehiiiglfto
religiousejfiwe; with whifchëthe whole busibbsSwaxsiOi^T"
ducted. iM ) febnversation .'among the3^a^fs>,i]norrbmtk
among thefattèiidants: The commandingrf^töfeïbf; the -
scene-, was? the calm dignity; and" §©bebipofijpfpfi '.Mraêïp
grandeur;' which European' refinementsiha%dm®^ yét
attained, r
Throughout thedk^tHe Emperor^ abertMoÉflbbisdEu ^
ropeam'^SieSts did not>abate.- ■ During.tHeirkpast;* hfetSeni
them several.dishbs; from: hisdwn tablè^ atxd, when it
VOt. II.