but aTe made Misperform beneath^itsisurface, aikindpf
vibratory motion, displacing.The-^water firs.frriwkb^ne
edge, and ; afterwai^sii with thbonflieK.TiS^biswfebour
tke>ih||s seem to .undergo.with'pleasure, keeping;«tifee
with their strokes to a »spirited air sung1 by .-the 'masOetf,
and.accompanied in the ehorus^byialRtMeime-n-. Thd
same air is sungpon board eyer^|a?essel(inkthe river i «Oh
a still moonlight night, this icheerfuljair xretechoed 'from
a hundred different vessels' gliding in Various directions
through the water,. c6nYeyed1a>pleasim.g?.'idea.of:th.etjeon-
tented dispositi'ont^f-thisrlaborious^class,'liY-ing:fenfciret)»
an the water, and forming noJnGonisiderabl^pbEtdoit'rof
the..general population:-
When the—method justijde^c*ibed for:fo^%wdi*ngfthe
progress of the yachts.was impracticable^Ojiinsuiicient,
and thp'bifeKeiwasijnfavourable^isJ^oo weak t^stethlfh'e
current tending to the ;seai*otherlmeahs w'eretused, shah
as-had beenpractised near the" mouth off the * river,! itg-
traek ordrag the yachts against ! the;: stream;» Par'this
purposeiln most other ceufitfiesv horses or«garie»‘8&a»g«
nerally employed. In China it is not merely t-Hat-the
labour of men is cheaper ; but it does not seen! foieccur
to spare it, wherever the purpose can be answered»by-'its
exertions: In the-present instance, the tracking rope i#
fixed to the ,upper extremity of the principal mast:; and
is joined to another that proceeds from the vessel’s prow.
The jope^ fo which the power is applied^ is ,of eonsiderable'
length. To this! main rope -are fastened cords Passage up # r . th^eUM.
formed into lo n p ^ to f o w h i c h icadm tracker throwing -
over, his" headb-pfe^l^opj^'saief'to^fhis1 brea^f?^^ad frequently
Substituting^lja$the eelrd^ajpiecejof boapiV’to prevent*
-th^immediat^pre^siire^of1 thpKforjner around his
!breast,;fwhich m ig h ^ n p e je feyingpof the lungs.
Thus the trackers'ygked,!mpye i-n»a Mii.e^fcp§efher to' the
SdUrfa of -a popular , son^i,which, byilregulatipg their
.sfgp^i: and uniting-thfeaE efforts,j^erldeiis the latter more
,effeq|ual ;t and, diytyting their^minds frpjrythe^h-ardships
^f^hfipsituation5jjcontributes to* ^feepiyeile, them tQ<.their
4ajbpur,-and*,eyenianim^Lte^their »eleartions. Th©E,e were,
rUjgonf a<n„ average,-;about-v fifteen men employed^o track
T(^h.;yachts The.whpjlernumber wisy at least,-fLyfe hun-
drpd|tfor this seryiap only, in --actual' esiroiSekibe'si,de an
mhey toi|reljie|?q3 ithpifpbhh'ifsy al tecnately*. They
iS^-Vwel^inade, muscular mept|,%l^ut 'femarkablyirpund!-
.shpuj%fieci • In-thp^supifmef-th^ystgocalmogb'naked up-
wards;.from the waist ; ^ and, those .parts of their skin are
.coppqfejcolonred'>; but thpyare naturally fain,las appears
frqmt their, lowse^egtrelnities, »which tfe^j^i^^er when
they hav^OGca^,^Jo, plu^g^; into tbe%waterin .
The,low and rsomet-imes marshy-<$§pntry, through
which th-epyeF»p^r®f»> is. favourable to theppfodifetion
Ofsiip^Gtg.; and many-of- them ^ere^verysjroublesome-,
some principaMy 'iby -t^eir-i-stingt^and.-oihepsfl.by their
constant stunning noisei The music emitted by a species