tribute, and paying homage, to the Emperor, in ordeayto
avoid a more direct interference;,'and. the danger, if they
resisted, of entire subjugation in a contest 50*pnequal.
Those delegates were -placed .under theconduct,of spn&e
inferior mandarines, and a moderate y et decent stipend
was allowed for. thqir maintenance during their stay in
the country. But the mandarines, trusting to the difficulties
that a strarigër always5 experiences, in con Vexing
a bomplamti and- the hazard' of attempting'it; *gavè’way
to the contempt Whlch they felt for those föpèighërs, and
often créatèd*them with indignity.'' Tht&h mandarines
also, receiving themselves Very small'salaried from1 go'-
yërhment, felt little scruple hi taking3advantage of so
faydutabfe? an opportunity to derive emolument Trom
defrauding the pefs^o^ under thei^ca^,1 óf a cohSifleBaSfè
share of tliéir allowance. Luckily in siich circumstahCèS*
those men had been habituated to thé hardships. o f a
military lïfé ;' and their minds wërë‘ribt sö fëfihëd as;,to
feel humiliation very poignantly ; and their chièf mortification,
perhaps, arose from the supêBèr'tfèaitidM't®
thë English Embassy.
The same‘ parade, as formerly,
it; As it'was no longer ehcüihbërëd' JWith the^^&sfejiiè
carried to Zhe-hol, and left there, the determination
was taken of travelling faster than' bëfórè,' but still Of
stopping at some of thé Emperor’s palaces, where all
things were made ready for the receptioii of the Etobassad@
l and t.jtaiS} retinue, which werfe now Return to
Eepai?ed^§^ili^W4it'heir p"rqf$fj§s^i" Oub.indeed was re- ~
s^y.ed-tfor;the«u|e ©f'sthe ^Emp^fQr.aft®ftT'ThiS' w%Sf;ren-
dered|pe#e®(>hyvteYel) drys and sjdqqth. Cisterns Were
conferi'Xedt pus fehf»gidljs ®f > th e Lp^jjsall-rcpd-, to. hold wafer
for^prinkling^ogeasiona%'$ in qrdfehtotfeep'doWn the
d$st. i Parallelftofthe^Empgr^f}'S, Was another road-y not
q-ute' soh^tadi nDriS'wept c6ntinuallyJwifeh,s&rmnchpa^ ’
bdt pefcfp ejtl f 'eommod ioju®and, safe Thi§w4s,intended
for .fehsyafetendants;jj of his Imperial, Maje^y^ipdtmpon
this5ube British Emb§$^^as^U©wfdifeq'$iss. All other
travel! Cfs yyoif e x c lu d e daftprh ;pji^ i^g^6®@aM^
an4? @felig^fhto'g§mdeaygjgy tp-make out a path wherevei
tke^'^\fe*%sajbfe t-p
-. - Short- ;as-,Wa®t*the intery^ whhhii|l^>^&dt sirifeenfehe
Embassy had t^onp- along*, th is , routes=to ZKi^hpl, the '
cfengp in4h'qq.em,per*a^*a%G®n4iderable ;t-,and
a, greateri degree, of, cel d exp|MenjCe,d,lj than! p&g| similar
latitude at the sa|nefs^®]^nJ5uFQ|)e>yIteitfl^bipl'deed;
the hjaman frame with a feeepn es'S seldom, fete in-England.
When the' gentfemeteeffthb .Embassfearrive%!t.Kooa
pe-koo;<i ateeathyjvi^ifeedj and examined
the great'walhitosadaSp-purinlifeyjiteiseit'edsome'bf .
■ fh#%to inspectiofice^joie^thht; ascufeftt bjalWark. :Here
they had a fresh instanejfaojntfe !§4h&m^eai!©u^yii®ftlihe
government,t or of th.g,ip^sofa^'%||nmaiadingvunder dti
The breach through which ihosp tr'ayelkEs befpre had
VOL* I I. Mm