lourai^io tiini-ties pf iBstruetion^ffianffhjejeMiliiFen’OpthH p©of',^et
tut genius may have occasionally thtedrehgth to counteiba-5
lance such disparity; and aE any; rate, the possibility'bf
success is an enjoyment even to those who are never likely
to obtain it. The general'persuasion, likewise ƒ 1th at authority
hasdbefeh acquired th rb ’merit,iriM^eifltritet^tP
insure respect and afaedieauej to ? it,
pf it should taike^pJade j^gdinst whjehNfhe po&seMiblffim
abilities and knowledge is not always -ar security.’’ Such
a system of government promises indeed great benefit's
to;society; andseim/faii oniy?when theitemplattoft Id do
evil- is greater th an the strength o£jptinbi|)le''afi.di -tile
risk ofh eio g cfeMeteidiinthe^^rifete^ it; Whe
and private individuals in|Ghina, who have" h o ; me8!is
of communicating their complaints; or declaridg; their
sentiments on the-eonduet of their^articalahfiSllr^/’Sie
left in- great 'measure lafc - |
whep -in the same predwcametif, are equaliy iiablfe td' stif-
fer. The Embassador t&erefore:;tb&lp©yety dppfwjtuhlty;
which his adquaintance with the Vieerby ;’ aAd the ratter’s
rOwnTtorieurable disposition furnished5him5/ !of: impressing;
upon his mind the necessity of his pmte&tiiig
the strangers? at Gdnton' from this O^pteisioh^fef the
IIpp-po ^ c o lle c to r of the customs, and Other ihfer'idt
officers connected with the commerce "of that jioft . *Tbi
yic^roy was guSatded in his prpmisesy b u t seamed siiifee^§
in his intentions o f doing all the good he cOuldv!
; Uponik?i§ü1b'sequents'vl'sdt,f.the Vioéroy-sai-d to’the Em- jouroeytp
bassador that hteiWÎa&well awarësofeth'e pains that -vtould ~
be ■ .taken to imprest hisa mind?agki®fct;fthe Brifehiiation
by-rnatiy of th^pbdpfehe-Wàs gcÉn’g/têügojvern but that
he-thdiight noti©fiIyQüsti%e^ohhe-English,büt tfeÉi^bnoür
of ’h is 5 Gôuntryifeqiufred a*chap^è-Éir its’ conduct ticvytardi
them. Yet ■ consideMbl|iSs^#/*as'i the authority intrtistfed
toîhim, anid ’firm aïjthiîS footing «might be'supposed, ■his
situatidn^vdas'fnot ’‘without' its^ifficültiefe* Beside the
men-in 'bifflte''e#ât:#àWtêil) interbstèd^ih^pipevihèù^ttfe'h'e redress
ri of'Hhbigribvanees mccasÎGftèd'hy themMVe^pSnd
acPu'sfômed $$1 treat Itdp'è'Ègiïers èdhtempt5 p ÉÉfëi| â§
wifh i injbstiêe p - they h ad % al'sô' -prejudiced ‘fene'mife’s '-¥1
catu'Vp particularly *his îbwh'yprBd^eê^oY^’w-hd^might
consider- -tèfdrm^WPa^Bënfure upon him- wh# h'ad suf-
fergdtth'eiàhiîSè-: ’-butubésiàe Sll th'Sl^fefdlïler^d’n'sidèfa-’
Mën lof rweigllt 'd-Welt upon hlis mind ; forhè'V^S^ëwara
ijl tifeperemptory styldUn which i?^ües^WuTO%'yf-M3
Exeellfenty at Pékin i had Abemftrbms'ed-hymlë kprimb
minister Ho-choohg-'taunpwHe knew not hOw-hich'd
refùfeâi%nght bë-irëpresented1 by the EmbasÉîdèiyïb flîês
ëéhft o f ’"©feat Britain ^ué&tMt' if he*endeaVoured-'td
exciteheSéntffië-nt-fhere-, an^future app'eâr,arA'®yf^FfsécK
reseïit’rfient f^ l® t^ ï¥ (h û b tryw b u ld remdbliiaMtblrb’y
criminallyj answéfâbfiun
meiit, Ibyâhy favour SladWhybim ’fo 'the-English ifi fhè’
mean time ; ' and ƒ that he ■’wished' Icë'bè perfectly isâüsfiëâ