easytbf®T®und?a£ oner,: in a country,^rhdre’hone .are
used for agriculture*, .wheretlhe lowest dasshstQf people
travel oh doot,:a?ndi felajd; highest ini .palanquins :bome. biy
melii TfeEffibassMorisiguardp in theiESt^rfet plume#,
and-with «Mnsingi iaraasy hfere considered; ,as ^gentlemen
enitfodite Aeioatried. The Chines^ thought it n ece s^y >
indeed, to. provideisome kind: o f carriage ^rik^dyiflu.-
ropean belonging tol tbed Embassy. Thgj^J^iepeyt&f
supplied by chairs,<?fowhich bamboo.pole,s
were, fastened/and. those poles carriedjj am .m^nis: sfipub
ders. j Several of these men with their tattei^fatp^Rki
and straw hats; an d . sandals,^^es^xyeyM^b^eagres
a»#dbdlted sobnueh weaker than thpse^^yjcarried, that
many o f the lattervMu^hij«g#tth| contrast, quitted thejr
Ybhiufosrand^cohtinued their , route op^oqt^T^he. roid
was first ov^itising grounds, and.iafterwards dn^a^W
vallies, and Through low and morassy. rice grqundsjo^fi
a causeway raised between two stone walk,, and) covered
with fine gravel brought from the neighbouring iiiou^
tains. No wheel carriages being iised in.thi s; f>art; of the
country, the causeway was narrow, butperfoc>tly;sntooth
and level. To the southward of the road, wsr^seyeM
round and steep conical hills detached from «each other,
covered with grass aadishrubs, and of so regular, a ijgpre,
and of so- .uniform a. slope from the summit to the-b^sc,
that they had the.appearance,of having been formed by
ar& i They consisted of blue coarse-grained limestone.
Beyond1 thé$è£- wérkfl^hàriilskoiîiffkf which were dug joumeyto
ÿfeirës%d»mifu$^^hite1 k n dïkhfAibg. ' TbeyArbmdsted - anon‘
oif^fraRf ‘ffirïk' p 1 cl ^ Îe i^ îfs7(1 in ftie manufôettïrrôfi^
feelaimfonpWinwtsê«feykbe DhihWe.'iin
Thronghtmt this ijort laid jourhèÿ, afid 'far from» all
gïëàï~fôads,'mot a'’mile-WàktravëBhdwith©ut; a villa jp '?
hbfk^p'ot febyerv ed, cx'eepiJniSiS'ë VtfôMfbr pèfpeùdiculat
heighte,kh’àt"Was nèt? odder*'oÉÎtivà trahi Thé' village^
vféfïrrïot>^uffouinbhdî by wills, bu^wbre âdérfcdî sfetJth:
àppèared-to'ehly'Mjfeten deitfude# which had
fevered them fârmërl.yt i.#©rB'er3Éf pllfe'e ip ori a .Surface
•vfhtere it might beco'ke riiére côn¥éli®fit]y'â) raediu'mfbi
th'é nùtriiuénr of plants'." Where the ftd? df the Mil or
mobntahi is not- hearfÿd^^pendi cMè^ib'ftK^lëvel stfiîfafe®
of th e earth, the slè'f^ii^dribèhtedï Mt08 ritMllËSôfi.jiferï
ÿkîe^foné’fabbv^Vnot'he^èeà'ôli of wfhiefi iy sup polled by
mdtinds of Stowe. this management it is mof uWcbm^
rfei'fi t'b séë 'thé wh olenfadborf a<mû urita ifoicôrïqslfitelyicuh
hvbted to thesUmmit. Tfe&e sthgës' ^freWcit îèbnfîned'ifo
thtfculture of any pSrtâicülaïrl ^è’pttîbl#. PtrfeeV graM*;
yams, kwfefet‘jbotafoek,r<mran sweater® ts, tOrn'ips,.'ancfa’va'-
riety of blhér culinary pla>ftt£f aîiië Iproduced upeitnthehp.
A résefvoir is sunk in the- tbp^pid t*be 'mountain. The
rain wàter collected'; in ’it if r'c'ohvey‘ed' by;idran-hels*surib
èessively to the diffèrent tërfaces placedhipon the moun-
tain’s sides: In spots to o 'f^ ^ ed , barred^ts£eep,> or high
VOL. IÏ. 3 l