ginatioripf ,thmpeqpJmdhm W a l t of-bte Em b a ssy™
||0 furnish1 i j j ^ n s id e r a h f e ,T h e - ; f i t@ 8ents
hmught-hy I to,the, Emperor w.ere: .asserted vto include
whatever was rase?
for-e-takhe Chinese? Of the ajiimals .that were’ brought,
ititwas gratdymmWmned?)-thatitheiie %as an elephant of
the.-size of ia monkey, and .as .heree as a.liQP; and » <mek
that'fed omchareoaJL E.verythiAg.was;stjpposed‘to:vary
from ■.what-had been'se^n in Pekin .before? and to'«possess
au^Mes different,from what had teemthe&mxpempoed
ip the ssamb §nbstancm. The sight o fth e strangermbririgr
hlgr su e h : e te b rdm m y ientmsities. disturbedyri^rthfey.
passed“* akuigrrthe- several oscupatmnsmf the people?
They pressed foiwards in great numbers.: I Chinese' sob
diersi^h’o were employed. like efinstahles, to keep them
the fofemoltbrahk; but «with a mildness? which sdis-
position a n d . the long*',habit of authority?-that, •-takes,
had impiredh-Theygeneraffy„imfacC,-onlylstruciktMe
grjopnd. r -. s i ! u U j ' ' L h u i i * ;n yd b m s o i i m f c i * ? -
s ;Jk§]$pon ;as! the per-sobs belonging toi the;Embassy pad
mriyedtaf the eastern .side«,of the yelhwMwalh .&ey
tipped5 along it;.to the right? and foundiOicit^ n o r f a n
Side much- less'-bustle than-in. the former steet. in stead
of shops, all: wfere * M r
front. Before, each house was a« wall on curtain, to pre?
vërït passenger^ from* Wfeeingi the; .coürt intod-SyhicH > the a*i$&
street door opened*.!'?FThh*«wall :is Palled the .waif of v&-
speeL • A halt was ■rhad0<^^ositerthm|i|!b:le fga'tes‘wliiph
^eméariy. iïï the<cghttielof this./northern sideoof the pa-
lath-wall:' It hppq&refbto iricloselhddrgC-'quantity o£
grounds . I t Wasrriohlevfliike all
■v^&ff'y^tömwmf'iti wfcsi'raissd intchhMLsJpf§tedp.\ds&e®|$
fh'ei earth- taken.' tb< dorm themolrifthFoall kndvdeèpbhol-
lo ws, now filled with water. Out of these artificial lakes,
of w&iG$Wt]9§> margins Iweffeidiyersifeddand^^^gdlahi
small islands rose with (a«,v.aiiéty! '»ÊFancifaI ldi^(gessp.ink
terspeïsed withvtFesesimOn the h ills' of-different 4ïëi^it4
ihe, prinéipdkpalhci^ fo#?.therjEihperotó w0p'®%redt'éJli
Th^whölê lmd^oihfevthatth&a|lpearance of enich'aiilthöiiifë
On the summit o f the higheWemiriehcesoVere. Ib&y ftrfeds
mrroün'dingiimhmemhénseSpantl oabinet's eontilvedyfiri-
rftreJt mtd'pleasures Qhe&of thfesefwlïs pointed -but as
the last| shockingi-sceneu ©ï- the-fexisteroeb ötf« thafnméefedf
emperors Who had built',<anriibeautified thnlWhliiéi 'Of
this«magnificent palace. A man,’ whom föröffis^sl^^ietl
fó r’a* while to. favour,' as if destined'.' td-Kefeom&^the h^adr
off k neWi dynasty in China,* availed^ himself, toVvardStfie
middlii|)fithe’Iast*'ceïihiry,'{óf: thé weakness vafuddlfuMiry
of ithe court, arid «of that undo feafcèuwKich', mdhYthah
éven luxury,1 had brought?the^frirmendynastfes tri'iu in ;
with 'an army- of Ghirleskpihrst eb'Eected under thé-höpe
of bringing abriiit betten Bmes,! aHd?k.ept«êge#hc^^fte^, .