Eek-iif; dikeSi.0t b'arriej^against'fchef tumult ohhuman, pasjsibftSi
and s t r a i n the propensities * oh men .in the plenitude
of power. Abtevery change in thfe 'tgoy-ecftment of
neighbouringf countries’ not fSovoirdumstariGed^lSucdess-,
like a torrent, /s weeps* before it,, and levelssalliformeEjasr?
rangements of /society.; But -in 'GMpa,vinstitiationswand
©pinions survive the~w-reck of revolutions. Thej^o'vjgH
reigh mayJae removed**? his whole family cubojlyrhut
the ■ manners >and condition ©foth%sf>£d{y^^main *th©
same^The throne itself is^sapportedhy. ma^im%jpropa-
gated fromth %pressi: | The vi#fpesj,£>£ its ppos§Msp|,ji4fk
enahlazonedrdsy it to. all his'/subjects.- Itigky.e§jhijn -febfe
vast advantage-of directing, feheinvsfptiin©ptg a%-he,/th>inks
fiti Has ^palaces, his gardens, Jfeis magnificence, create
n® '.envy towards a prince» trepresentgd., to b^ e n d-oWed
with the,most transcendent qualitiqg^andit^teiempf*^
ed in promoting, without intermission; the happii|gg|jg|f
.his peopde?;/-
iM'Exterionigeremonie^ perfdwiedfto his honour, a^e.npa
fpere idler forms ; but Contribute tQ-Jmspilp th-^j-penplg
with sentiments of respect and duty towards hh$tej,.In
the great palace of Pekin, all the mandarinesyresident
in. the capital:, assembled ^about nodnuon bis- I ntpCf|aj
Majesty’s birthday, and, dressed in their rohes of.,c&r,e-
mony, made the -usual prostrations before, the throne ;
inqenste of sandal and rose woods burning upon it- af
the /same time,./ and ioffferings being made o f y iands and
liqubnsbas-Sf, ,th^Éhs#ntïfhe »were * capable' of „enjoying
. Mr. BajrQW-!^flS5pïèiehtnwhi3h.i<|hfe)Same;;g^’ëhi,onies
iwier.ero'hs.ew^ ajtj Yaen-min-yuen; anti he »^sjlnformed
tb at; thêy i iifcewisM»tpoh plmpibn/ tbatedgyiin e ^ liy part
ofitha* empire Athêi prostótdisIhsin^^^^rMteke^fteh.-
tive-tofeirn: theis feiaesi towards thea-eapi-taL.
On al 1 it he- 'd ay refin e w and fujl mqpni, -similar ■incense
is/bur-nfej and§<aar& made- bhfpfe/thé .throne blithe*
oiffiicer^cèfjjtbe ’household,1 iriith^ severalipblaCces/{ofjthe
Emperdrv i ■;
lo THfisei'palaces’are-Yeiry^numerbmS'ithrou.^h.oiit-tlaesem.-
p h e ^ llh a t of-Pekin’hsipms thÖperu6tèf of thecrTartar cityf.
Thojl thafoc%]^f a fta n d s in- $iei midst ©f a.dfi^ty'plai13-.
from whénce/the moüntains.ohiTartarjcc^hjheiporfcmved
only? at -a*- distaneeiftyet the walls which environ' the
palaesitaoffibês', rand |§trdens, in chid'èreveiïyd^ariefejo of
giound.dn miniature which the spoEtis^hand ©flhature
has »created upon the surface: of?the glebe.; Mountains
and vallies,, lakes; and rivers,» rude prebfpieesi andjgentle
slopes, have!been produced where nature did nopintend
them} but' in Usuch ‘.correct.propbrtioris’ and with so
mdchharmony, that$wer@? it nót^^feÉE^e'r&rabuniform
aippearancé of the surrbundmgj&ouhtry’, a,spectator would
entertain some doubt w h ethf|||he*y were ■; the leal .'productions,'.
or; the snuefe^ral imitations of/hatu-re.w -This
world, in miniaturfe* has been createdtadnthe command
fiiL, i||