(parfJtMSuIZ' ■
Immense quantifies of fejdafie, raiiiedr; iri China,, that joam^t»
sudden failure ;<a£ a demand from Europe-,.- would not be — 11
likely to fnceasipn. -any. material diminution of its; prige
at the Chinese markets; ,thb it mighhbe attended ’kith
Mbbnvenience ■ to .thejtparticularieuhiyaJtnr^ .who afe in
the habit now. b f: supplying the Canton- merchants with
that article for exportation.
A plant very.like the.tea,flcfurisheffust this tilde,.ob
the sides and the yery. tbps ^f .mouqtai^kl where the soil
eouM-sted of littleiifibre than fragments ©fistonej, crumbled
into a sort.of coarse. e$rth b y the- joint actio^a. of- the, sun
and :riirii i Thq Chinese teall this, plant cb.a-whaw, '.or .
flower of .tea,* oh abchunt of resemblance#®ft-€tne to
the other; and because its petals, as well a£ thevepthe
floiwers of the Arabian jfessarfiine. ;are sometimes ihixed
among the teas, in order, to increase their-ffagrahoe. This:
plant,- dhe cha-whaw,* is the camellia iesanqua ®f the bjo-:
tanists, and -yields a nut, from whence list! expressed ah
esculent oil tequdl to the^sfe, which#ieomes frbrh Florence«
It ki-cultivated oh thjsiaccounb in vast*; abundance.,- and;
is particularly valuable from’th4»rfa®]at^.df its culture,-
in situatiohs fit for little efijet It is delineated ohitte opt
posite page.
From thelriyer were seen seVera-1 excavations^ made
in e^ p e tih g from the side^ of the. adjoining hills,, jtbe.. .
pe-tunftse, useful in the manufactory of porcelain. This
material is a species of -fine,granite, ©r compotmcl o§