which the Embassy was now embarked Withqfhe
large camphor; trfee^ whioh gfeew at a
tance frprn :the; .riyec, was sometipjesvinixecl one of a still
gleater ^ize, a species Chin£s£h yang^
shoo, q£ which, the branches spread horizontally to such
an extent/that; qjie tree may* he almost sufficient to ^ ^ § r
half an acr^ of landi The vallies between the riv-er,
the monpfainslipre^ie .not extensive.;, but th ^ e fu n try
could sc ^ ed y Jt£ more papulous j f a' plain. Many ma-
,ntf%tfri|§^of(jc§#|fe earthen .ware, as well asjpk/fine
porcelain were. interspersed in th e f ^ v in c ê ^ f Kiang^
see; r*In sonic; places the mountains rose immediately
from th,e jji,yer, into which huge>irocks had fallen from
fcheistffp ïfidis r f tj^moia^tains.: The stream-of-Ah^
river rollin g oyer them with impetuosity, haS.,some times
occasioned;acC|d§nts, the recollection of which induced
the Chinese navigators to renew, before fcl^y^attempted
passing them, th e fsame.sort of saeri£ces-'W^hioh^re described
on pa#iitg the Yellow river^fh
Beyond the/-pocks, the. smooth ..water wasvdÈiost M^
verêd .With small boats, an each of whiefe-waspne or
two of the fishing birdsC Those boats are so-^mallmd
light that the: fishermen. carry them often/ as appears
in the engraving, page 389, on their.- shoulders', from
one lake to another, together witfi the bird which
serves as the instrument by which the fish is caught.
Sometimes the fisherman and his bird rest, in lien of
Boats, omsmtelhraffcs, consisting*of five bamboos-tied toge- journey to
ES M B B | ° E , Canton. ti,-. ;-£,|.ri |H | j§ ' —
In tfeis^edthern'p^M^f^^fitelds'Of wheat j-ust sprittg-
t(of - the» g^fem-fid^ wbi^tfS beofourid in '-the' Vicinity
sfetho Ml sUgaii-feli^ijpfe^&apfy'fif fbr *the milli In-this?
■ptfdviftfeej^fe:. w©meti4of'4herio v^felr’fWank' are^irdcdfrom
the,prejfu.'dirGC«)f little-tffeit^ anthaSth'so remark ably robust
and 1 a b o tip®§f$tha# pe&Sa»n‘ other provinces;have been
known tcUCo'me'ho ptircdiasl^Whcit#«'they call, a5- working
wife/in A iMrmer in that province has been
Seen to »drive, »with onehand, a plough;to whi’Cnhfewife
wasoyoked, while®® so%Cd thfe-sfeed ’Wit'hAbe%frb'e^>hand
in drills. The soil, in'defd*, was loose, tend the plough of
veri^ lightimbtSpials anebGOnsTruCti^|ipt:he?,tas;k imposed
upon thfe'Womam appeatSdJftdjteh'-»Bupoptedrif^ye. telfoge11
therm.mbeeO'mmg/vWheWmd#feokte equallyfby ■thet'othei^
sex. The wives were disttbguish'edifrom theunaideriS/by
thelatter allowing^thehairia^^ifl^brchcidAo^hi^g dbwn
towards the eyebrow^* while the 'former* haM^|iM3f he-irg
boiind together upon the efiowriw the heted.’ f
Farms afegfenerallytct for; three,- 'fi-vCpC^yentyears / re-
sumableby the landlord ,-orrefinquishableby'the‘ACrigjib'at
the end of ariy of tho's®t^rms/:aecnFdingi;o the contract. In
general, the'd>W'net|di^idsessthe^birbfr1 -\yithithg^fidtivatdr.
Thelatter Halt »Msifihare - entire-. The» fdrmei^pays* out of
his, the Emperor-s^ax/WhieteipconsidCrCdlM be alvv^ys
the ■same'JW’hdther thcisWsbadadplentiful ©r*fSeanty; tho,