every tcfol an d ' ea’fi'^asiSistdiim. ‘^TfedTaSt
pferMl c ^ e ^ c t lo i^ ts that iriA ^ l^ ^ laS l^ i^T s befeoffie
so dex&tohsjs as to coriiplete his Work?wMile wi Or aiifc-
ward: tools* and with iML^w no! assistance. AndpMoh
is1 the chari dtor^dfth'e Chiffeto^pdtter," Weaver ,J Worker in
tbeprecious metals, aridim ivory, ‘akdtoPmOSftothers rfi
the several' TraWei^eom^tonly practiised dn thd^oto#y',
and such attSimiienPisf ftoltotoSfe,! tTSt? hltthst ;Sf' tht:
art, and the strofagbst tost of'a Yery ancient v|5b3stession df it.
It is5 %brp rising3 that tBfe* method of1 making ^gunpowder,
and bf jjrihtihg, should-M^dt^S^Sr^ to^h'fe
Chinese1 long^b'eFote they were %rio^vh-' by’ ’Eurdpeafts.
With regafd to ■We first, in : wKaSSvih1 eo¥nt;^p naturfe
creates nitre (ode3 of the chief ingredients‘for ’m:aktrr|
gunpowdef^in the^greatest plenty, there its defl^grafcMjl
rpiklity^isbftdto likefyTo he first%bsfei^M^%ndHafe#;MS-
perimefits founded on th ^ ob’servationpwill lead to th%
composition that procfudes such!isuddefi knd ^io-lfent- cef-
fecfs. Nitre1 is th e ’fiaturad and daily pro'diicer df-Chink
and India, and thfere, accordingly',"
gun]ib#®rir todtns id be coeval with thatofWe rhost^diS-
tant Tiistofib3 # !hnts. Among theu€HihdseT'ii:%as> bedn
ii^ id i^ k t ^1 times to useful
rbcks, and TdmbVittg ob^ructiouSv and to' thbsd of
kmusernent in makift'g klvkst variety*- fire-Wbiks. It
was alto*used%S k^d^efld^, by underminingThe prdbible
^tssSfS of the dneniy, and blowing him up. But Its11 tofde
had not beeb^direjcftbd. frhrupghisl^ongf metallicfttphes! as it Mte
wasuhy Eurupe^nsr.'S©ohi;|ft#jithey^had j.discQy®riediit| **
¥et> this.- inveptj^isif did niq^proye those
w.ho * av-aileduthernsely§s;|o f it?, #si to, mark distinctly in
h&tojBy]ilihei^p^Qito, period whenjitsd^kctkesfirstfjtook
place. ^-Amd thp^- in- imita>tioh-:oh‘EurQpe,,i!itd|asib£en^inT
trodiused into thekianieslof th d#iE as t,, otherl modes of war 4
£aiEe"are;>s©na efeim esrstiilf prefer Ee|l to.jitsrlh
In relations .to the secohdimefjhodj on<t>Ji^ttpfpjfintipgy
isfxportantias are ksieffects in Europe:;7kdsj®byic|us>,l ithat
as it^obj^ci is, only to multiply .copiesfofiihpcsaphe twrit-
mg-, life-could be -.spjught fox only, inithah'toeiejy .which
ptodue&Sj many readerp.ijifXhe numb£rggfi|su0h wotaidino
etembt* be»d4rerehsed wherever it were*iint'i4)diu^ed{;obut
wfejce th ah ft« mberi * i s becomeJ veryro®nSide(ifai}DleV from
o^hter^causesTOnsditegUo Increasfe’the eiidlahed? anddetf&*jg d ,
classes, ohsqdrety, the .‘Various-, attempts^co ^supply their
ta s t^ wauld naturally lead tcuso dimpleian inventiphias
the Chinese*grt of printing: l>Jt Gbn-sJsis-iM nothingiffip^,
than in scuttingyin relief,, th e : forms of thh written cha^
racters on, settle compact.mood, daubingcafter-wdrfls those
characters,with a black glutinomcsubstance^dndipresst
inghupon -them different sKdels- offipaper hdfha/pre>
viouS' and ingenious invention)! each sheettaklngcthus
an impressioniof thkteharaetersupon whichiit had befeh
laid. The art ?bfi eh graving,- for .the ygfaeifkation of-tihe
rich and powerful, bad beenicarried'tobsuch perfection